Soulmates Spideybug (MLBxMCU)

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As was custom, Marinette switched into her soulmates best friends body, on Marinette's 15th birthday.

Marinette had been scared and startled when she'd woken up, thinking that it was perhaps another dream affecting akuma attack.

That was until she remembered it was her birthday.

Marinette had found Mrs. Jones, who was still home for some odd reason.

Apparently, Marinette was in the body of Michelle Jones, or as her friends called her, MJ.

Marinette had gone to her school (Midtown? Honestly what kind of name was that?)

And bumped into MJ's best friends Peter, and Ned.

MJ was dating Peter- and Marinette had informed the boys that she want MJ, just so there wasn't any... thing she shouldn't know about, cause secrets, yk?

Marinette was so confused. Obviously either Peter or Ned was her soulmate/ but... which one was it?

If it was Ned... well, Marinette didn't really like Ned like that.
But Peter- no, Marinette wouldn't let herself hope.  He was a taken man. That would be wrong.
Soulmates or not. He had MJ.

The boys ask her about herself, about Paris,

And Marinette tells them what she will/can.
She tells them of a magical superterrorist, or hero's, of akumas, of Chats attack on her, of Chat's demotion.

Of Princess Honey, of Time Turner and Rewind, and Dragon Element.
(Chloe, Alix, Luka, and Kagami)

Of how they defeated Hawkmoth, of them retreating from the light.

She told them about Lila and her ex best friend Alya, about her new bestie Chloe (and her gf Kagami)

The day ended with a few hugs and smiles.

The next day, Peter broke up with MJ, telling her that he'd found, and fallen for, his soulmate.

MJ laughed, and told him the same thing had happened to her.

They stayed best friends.

About a year and a half later, Marinette and her class went to (you guessed it) New York, temporarily staying at Midtown high.

"Mari-bug! Isn't this where you said your soulmate goes?" Chloe asked far to loudly in English- and Marinette shushed her.

"CHLOEEEEE!! Shhhhhh!!"

~skip until Marinette literally runs into Peter~

"Oh! Peter!" Marinette exclaimed, and after a second, Peter recognized her.

"Marinette?" Marinette just nodded.

"How are you and MJ? How's Ned?"

"MJ and I broke up"


"And Neds doing good. Fell in love with Betty."

The end

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