You fool!

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O-O I'm sorry I haven't updated in a while :(
I've been rather busy with school and such, but alas, I should be more ontop of this, no???
Update for you all! Hope you don't hate me <3

"I'M GOING TO KILL YOU!!!" Marinette screamed at the retreating figure of the man who had killed her parents.
Princess Marinette, the only child of Queen Bridgette and King Felix, had just witnessed the murder- I mean assassination- of the King and Queen, and she was fucking pissed.

Marinette went into hiding, fleeing to Paris under the protection of her royal guards, Tom Dupain and Sabine Cheng, who were pretending to be married to help hid the princess.
Marinette erased herself, creating a false face for everyone else to see, Mari Dupain-Cheng.

Marinette was sitting in class next to her best friend in Paris, Alya, as she thought of her parents, for today was the day they'd been murdered afterall.

"Mari?" Alya asked, confused on why her best friend wasn't as cheerful as usual. Marinette's head snapped up, he train of thought effectively stopped,

"Alya? What's wrong?!" Marinette asked, obviously confused, and Alya sighed.

"I was just asking why you seemed so upset..." Marinettes eyes widened, but before she could even begin to answer Alya's question, there was a knock on the classroom door.

Mrs. Bustiea walked over and opened the classroom door, to reveal, the assassin.

Marinette leaped up from her seat, quickly getting on the desk the launching herself across the room doing a flip- landing infront of this mysterious man.

"You fool! Why would you come near me after what you've done?!" Marinette screamed at the man, as her classmates just stared in both horror and confusion,

"I've come to kill you, princess" the man said,

"I told you I'd kill you, you bastard." Marinette growled, pulling out a gun and shooting him.


"What just happened?!"

Marinette One-ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now