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Lila walked out the classroom and Chloe followed.

Chloe tapped on her shoulder.
'Lila just listen'
Lila turned around, 'Uh, excuse me?'
'I happened to see that Marinette walked out the door without any trouble. If she was to do something, I, of course, would be the first to know.
You and I can remain friends and we can get Adrien off her and then let him choose which of us he prefers'.
'That sounds perfect' Lila agreed.

Chloe sashayed back into the classroom.
'Well sorry Sabrina. I have a new best friend' Chloe smirked.

'W-hat, w-who?' Sabina stuttered.
'My best friend is Lila' Chloe announced proudly.

'I don't know why she thinks that's something to be proud of' muttered Marinette.

Chloe went home an hour before school ended.
She went to Lila's house.
'We won't fail you hawk moth' they chorused.

💙 After school 💙

Chloe and Lila, now akumatized villains flew to just outside the school where people were leaving.

'I am queen capturer. I have the power to capture you and put you wherever I please when my fingernail lasers touch you' akumatized Chloe announced.

'I am super surprise. I have the power to turn anyone i'd like into somebody else and I am unbreakable' announced Lila.

'First I will capture you Marinette!' said Queen Capturer.
'And then I'll turn you to dust' added Super Surprise.

'Marinette, run girl. Ladybug and CatNoir will be here soon' Alya told Marinette.

'Not so fast!' Queen capturer shouts and then strikes Marinette.

Marinette falls on her face. She couldn't get that far anyway with a crutch.

Queen Capturer traps her in a glass box and throws it into the lake.

'Noo!' Adrien cries and runs off.

'Plagg claws out!'
CatNoir runs into the scene.
He doesn't hesitate, he dives straight into the lake.

Marinette is loosing consciousness in the box, she leans her head against the side as she gives in. Letting water fill her burning lungs.

CatNoir cataclysms the box and grabs Marinette. He swims them far enough away and then attempted CPA to wake her up.

Slowly Marinette started breathing again and she opened her eyes.
'What happened'
She sat up, shaking violently.

CatNoir sits by her side.
'It'll be okay,' he said while rubbing her back, 'your body's in shock. I hope LadyBug is out there fighting'.

OH NO! What have I gotten myself into —thought Marinette—

'Come on, let me take you to hospital'.
'No! There's no time'.
'There is, it'll be okay,' CatNoir picks Marinette up, bridal style.

'Just take me home please. If you know where that is' Marinette moaned.
'I think I can find the way'

CatNoir drops Marinette on her feet.
She collapses.
'Marinette? Can't you stand?' CatNoir was worried about her.

'I broke my leg yesterday. I cannot stand, no. It's okay leave me here. Paris needs you CatNoir'

CatNoir looks behind him.
'I see LadyBug is doing quite well. She's often late, maybe she won't mind if I stay here for a bit'

Marinette frowned in confusion. 'Wait what. Lift me up please, I would like to see this'
'Anything princess'. CatNoir lifted her up politely.

'AH! Oh my god!' Marinette was shocked by what she saw.
Someone's pretending to be me. Hopefully they forgot about my broken leg.

'Go CatNoir, help LadyBug! But pay close attention to her,
something seems off'.

'As you wish my princess' he bowed.
'See you soon my Kitty' Marinette smiled.

CatNoir was about to leave but then turned around. 'Wait what did you just call me?'

Oh shoot —Marinette thought—
Only LadyBug calls him Kitty, I've messed up..

'I- what? I didn't call you anything. Anyways byee' she pushed CatNoir onto her balcony.

LadyBug came down there with her broken leg and a crutch and wasn't much help until the end. CatNoir noticed something was up. She seemed noticeably weaker in general that wasn't just about her leg.

CatNoir has a suspect for LadyBug, and he is determined to figure out who the Love Of His Life's identity is.

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