~dance preperation~

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💙Marinette's room💙

'I have only an hour to get ready Tikki!'

'Go shower now Mari and then i'll help with your makeup'
'ok ok'

After her shower, she sat on her beanbag chair and trusted Tikki to do pretty makeup.

'Are you going to eat before we go? I wouldn't trust there to be enough food' Tikki said.
'Earth to Marinette??'

She looked back at Tikki.
'Sorry, I just thought CatNoir would visit. True though, i'll eat here'.
'There's still time. When does the dance start?'

Marinette looked up at the white clock on her wall.
'It's 7:50 now and it starts at 8. Adrien's going to pick me up from here at 9:30'

'Why so late?'

'Fashionably late. And also it finishes at 1am'

'Why is getting ready the first thing we are doing, you still need to eat and it can't get all over the dress'

'Don't do the lipstick and I'll put the dress on right after i've eaten'

'Ok ok' tikki added a light shade of pink blush.

'Will it look like i'm blushing at him all night?'

Tikki giggled

**Ring Ring**

'Could you pass my phone?'

'Thanks. It's Alya'
'Hey Alya!'

'Are you ready yet?'
'Um almost. why?'
'I wanna see youuu'
'Can't you wait until the dance?'
'No. Cause I already know you're going to be late'
'You have 30 minutes'
'Thanks gurl! baii'

'I'm done now Mari' Tikki said.
'Ooo you carried on while I was on the call! thank you so so much'

Marinette stood up and went to the mirror.
'Wow I look so good it's almost unrecognisable'

She went down to the kitchen to get a bite to eat.

'I'm home' Alya walked through.

'Hii' she hugged her.

'I was just about to eat. Join me.' Marinette said.
'Oh no thank you. I ate at home. I'll just pour myself some water. I actually bought a fruit salad for you, I wasn't sure if you were sick of pastries and cakes yet'
'Aw alya! that's so sweet'
'Yeh uh, do you have any gum? I kinda left in a hurry'.

'oooo are you planning on kissy kissy with NiMo??'

'Not with the fish but maybeee NiNo'

'Are you going to get there at 8:30?'
'Around then, yes.' Alya replied.
'You going to leave early then?'
'No i'm staying for it all baby!'

Marinette put a mango piece into her mouth.
'Hah cool' she said.

Then she stood up and reached into a cubbed, she took out chewing gum and held it out for Alya.

'Thanks hun. you're a life saver! haha' Alya laughed but it was hollow.

'I'm meeting Nino at the dance in a few minutes. Gotta run, can't wait to see that dress on you!'
Marinette waved Alya off, and headed up to her bedroom.

Marinette put on the dress and Tikki helped do her hair.
Then she walked over to her full length mirror.

'I actually look gorgeous'
'Yes you do Mari! That's how everyone should be talking about themselves' Tikki said.

'I'm all dressed up though. You even said it..with makeup that makes me look so good it's almost', she sighed. 'Unrecognisable'.

'Yes that is true. You look just as beautiful without makeup but the only reason you don't see that is because you're familiar with your own face. when you buy a painting. while it's new, it's extra valuable to you. When it's been around for a while it's still just as pretty to anyone else, but to you, since you've been able to look at it every day, it doesn't catch your eye every time you walk past it. You're just use to your features, and putting on makeup makes you look like a slightly different person. like when the same artist who made that beautiful painting, makes another painting. it's different but still beautiful because it's by the same artist that you like. You're still very beautiful because you still need your facial features to apply makeup. just like you need the artist to make another painting. not everyone looks good with certain makeup styles, the ones you look good in, only looks good because it's on your face not somebody else's.
you still have that beautiful painting, but you own it, so you're use to seeing it. that doesn't mean you're becoming any less beautiful.'

ding dong

'Wow that must be Adrien'.
'Ooo i'm so excited!' Tikki shrieked in her little angel-like voice.

Marinette made her way down the stairs. careful to not trip over her own feet.
Then she opened the door and let Adrien in.

Adrien smiled at her.
'I- wow. You look.. incredible. I have no words honestly'.

Marinette felt her cheeks go red at his words.

'Are your parents home?'


'No they're staying with my grandmother. she's... fallen very ill'
'Oh.. i'm really sorry to hear that Marinette. I hope it'll be okay'
'me too' she mutters.

Adrien looked down at her shoes.
'I see you made the wise choice of wearing flats' he laughed.
she chuckled with him.
'i can barely stay on my feet in general, no way would I try to walk in heels. I'd most likely sprain an ankle, or two.'

'Well, may I escort you to the dance' he bowed to her.
Marinette did a little curtesy.
'Yes you may' she giggled.

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