~little banter~

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A/N: A short but cute chapter<33

Listen Nino. See that window',
CatNoir points to a window above their heads.
'Copy what I do. it's simple'.

He jumps up into the sink and lifts his left foot onto a tall cupboard. Then with his left had on the corner of the cupboard for balance, he used his right hand to push open the window and pulled himself up.

'Your turn' CatNoir says.

'Adrien are you coming? my toes have pins and needles'
CatNoir heard his lady calling.

'Uh Yes! Just a minute!' He called back.
'Wait are you on your roof?! Be extremely careful'.

'hey um, i'm stuck' Nino's voice echoed from below.

Cat helped Nino up.

'I heard somebody needed help' CatNoir called to LadyBug.
'Stop wasting time, I feel dizzy'

He took Nino to the ground.
'Stay here' he ordered.

'I'm coming LadyBug' CatNoir used his baton to push himself up and grabbed ladybug and they landed on a small shop roof.

'Thanks kitty'
'Anytime M'lady' he kneeled down and kissed her hand.

'Where's Adrien? Is he safe?'
CatNoir scratched the back of his neck.
'Yes. He's back in his house now'.

'And where were you?!' LadyBug slapped his cheek quite gently.
'I could of died!' she told him in an aggressive tone.

'Look, I'm sorry. I know I messed up. I was with people okay, friends. We were in an enclosed space. It was almost impossible to escape'

'You know that nobody's supposed to know our identities.. how did Adrien get hold of you?' she asked suspiciously.

'I can't answer that M'Lady. I cannot speak of my personal lives and of the people I know. Yet. One day you will find out who the love of your life is'

'I have a question though...'
'One question then, go on'
'Why did you get to find out my identity, what were you thinking?'

'Oh Princess, the truth is.. I wasn't thinking, I was following my heart'.

'I can't keep him distracted much longer guys' Nino called out loudly to the superheroes.

'Nino?! Get out of here! LadyBug shouted.

'Aww, now isn't he a star' CatNoir smiled.

'You know that Nino is one of my closest friends. you can't put him in a danger like that'

'Speak of danger' Cat looked up, 'let's de-evilise this thing!'
'It's us against the world'
'As always'.

A/N: So this was a little extra to keep you guys going, because the next chapter is about the dance preparation. The actual dance chapter is going to be very long. expect the best chapter ever!
there might be a second chapter on the dance if it gets too long :)
hope you're enjoyinggggg☻︎

—457 words

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