~~school akuma~~

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💙Wednesday morning
7:15, in the classroom💙

'Hey Marinette'
'Hi Adrien'
The two teenagers were sat side by side in the classroom with Mrs Bustier. This was there detention for being late constantly.

'Here's a project. You have time discuss it now, then you two must arrange a time out of school hours to work on it together'

Mrs Bustier handed them a sheet of information.

'Thanks' said Adrien

'Looks like it's about love' he said to Marinette.
'Oh, yup'
'First question' he read,
'What's a way to tell someone that you love with without using the phrase "I love you"'

Marinette tucked a loose strand of hair behind her ear.
'It doesn't have to be in words', she began, 'it could be a bunch of kind gestures. little things'

Adrien continued for her, 'like if you give her a rose, or be affectionate'

'Exactly' Marinette smiled, remembering the little things that Chat did for her.

'Speak of love. Was Livatesy happy when you asked her to the dance?'

Adrien scratched the back of his neck self consciously.
So there are many excuses I can make here. Lots of choices, but i've got two seconds to pick the best one otherwise she'll be suspicious.

'Uh, yeh. Definitely. She's excited' he felt guilty lying but oh well. He didn't have much choice.

He'll just say that she stood him up and then they broke up or something.

'Anyway next question,' Marinette read, 'what was your last love experience'
'Uhh, these are becoming pretty personal' Adrien blushed.
'Yeh um'

Guess i'll have to make something up
Adrien thought.

'So I was with Livatesy, and we basically spent hours talking about our memories with each other'

'Cool um, my friend that's a boy took me to the top of the eiffel tower and we just talked for hours until we fell asleep there'

Adrien smirked, 'sounds pretty romantic'.
Marinette blushed, 'Yeh I guess, I mean, he's just a friend' she let out a nervous giggle.
Adrien laughed lightly.
'What kind of questions are these?' Adrien asked, flipping through the pages.
Marinette laughed, 'So weird.'

Their classmates began arriving.

'Yo dudes. How was that detention?' Nino asked, approaching the desk on the front row.

Marinette stood up, 'it was fine'.
'Yeh, we have a project. I'll text you' he called after her and she made her way to sit by Alya.

'So how was it? Tell me everything'
'We have a project on love due friday'
'oOoO. Interesting' Alya teased.
'Oh shutup' Marinette playfully rolled her eyes. 'I meant to text you but uh, I was designing a dress but then, well, I sort of lost it?' It came out more as a question. 'I don't know what to do now' she moaned.

'Aw Marinette. How could you have lost it?' Alya bit her lip.
She shook her head, 'I don't think it's possible actually but it just disappeared'.

'Maybe someone stole it, girl. Not everyone is as nice as you, a girl in our class could of overheard our conversation and stole it from your bedroom and is totally wearing it to prom!' Alya suggests.

'But who would do that?'

They both answered together.
'Chloe' (Alya)
'Lila' (Mari)
'Both' they agreed.

'My parents work at home all day in the bakery, there's no way someone could of got passed them unnoticed'

'Maybe they asked' suggested Alya.
'They could of made up an excuse like that you borrowed their science notes or something and they need them back from your room'

'Mama would never..'
'Ask' Alya shrugged.

'Alright settle down class, i'm going to take attendance' Mrs Bustier announced.

💙time skip to lunch💙

'This dance is going to be huge' Alya clapped her hands together.
'I know right! And the best part about it is that I actually have a date!' Nino smiled proudly.

Alya blushed.

'You still going alone, Mari?' Alya asked.
Marinette nodded. She was okay with it.

*There was a crash outside and screams*

'An Akuma now, really' Adrien mumbled.
'Omg! I gotta go film' Alya ran out.

'Alright everyone, try to keep calm. I'm letting you all go to safety' Mrs Bustier told the panicked class.

Everyone was running out the classroom.

Adrien grabbed Marinette's hand and pulled her into the janitors closet and closed the door. There was a small hole that let a little line of light shine through.

Adrien and Marinette were still holding hands.
She found herself blushing and mentally slapped herself.

She removed her hand from his, remembering her boyfriend.
Adrien softly smiled to himself.

Then his heart dropped like when you get to the top of a rollercoaster the second before you go down.

How am I supposed to transform! I'm so dumb and SHE needs to.

'I'm going to see what's going on. Stay here, stay safe,' he said, giving them both an opportunity to transform.
'Okay' she agreed.

Adrien slowly opened the doors and peaked out. Once the coast was clear he ran to hide somewhere private.

'I want cheese' Plagg moaned.
'Shutup Plagg I need to transform'
'You won't have long unless you feed me'

-With Marinette-

'Tikki, do I go now?' she whispers, 'what if he comes back'.

'Trust your instincts, Marinette'.

She peaked out, then ran and hid behind a wall.

She stepped backwards and hit somebody.
'Huh' they turned towards Marinette, but she had moved to the other side of the wall.

'Who is this' she demanded.
'Shush plagg' Adrien grabbed his kwami.

'Wait Chat?'
'M'Lady, princess? Hold on, i'm not transformed. Plagg claws out!'

'Tikki spots on!'

They walk to each other.

'What are you doing here in your civilian form?' Ladybug stared in astonishment.
'I'm closer then you might, love.'
'Time to go out there' LadyBug said.
He smiled. 'It's you and me against the world, M'lady'.

They go out of the school and battle this akuma. they defeat it, everything is okay.

'Pound it' they first bumped.
'Hold on,' LadyBug grabbed his tail, 'if we bumped into each other as we're about to transform. You were at my school. Either you were spying on me, or you're a student here. We're the same age so you would be.. in my class!'

'They'll be a right time, today isn't it' CatNoir winked and hopped over building.

'That silly kitty' she rolled her eyes.

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