What happened to Alya

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Marinette was walking to school. She wore a sad expression.
Today's going to be a long day

She got to school and sat down in her seat. Alya didn't seem to be in. Nobody spoke to her. Adrien and Nino were chatting behind her in break. Marinette sat alone with her jam sandwiches. After school she texted Alya.

Marinette: Alya?? You're never not in. Is everything okay?
*not delivered*

Marinette is walking home.
'Tikki, I wonder what is going on?'
'Me too. Her phone is never off'
'I know right... Mama has Alya's parents' number so I could use that'
'Yes Mari, I like that idea!'
'Thanks Tiks.'
She got home and rushed to talk to her parents. Then she called Alya's mom.

'Hello, Mrs Césaire speaking'
'Hi, it's me, Marinette, I-'
'Oh my goodness,' her voice breaks, 'I must assume you're asking about A-Alya'
'What-Yes I am. My messages weren't delivering and-' she pauses, 'Mrs Césaire, why are you upset? Did i say something?'
'No gosh, it's not you Marinette. I just knew you call and well', she sobs, 'Alya's been so sick today she's been fainting and well-'
'-WHAT' Marinette practically screams into the phone.
'Marinette is everything alright up there?' Her mom calls.
Marinette ignores her.
'I'll let Alya explain the rest. She's in h-hospital and I'm about to go there now. How about I'll pick you up on my way?'
Tears are streaming from Marinette's eyes. She sniffs, 'yes please, I'd really appreciate that'.
'Alright darling, I'm going to hang up now okay'
'I'll see you soon' Marinette says.
'Tikki did you hear all that?' She sobs.
'Yes i did! This is terrible'
'I know! I'm so scared'.
'So am i' Tikki squeaks, 'Alya is your best friend and and she's very special to me. Everything will be okay, I just know it'.
'I just can't help but wonder what could have happened? She was well yesterday'
'Was she? Are you sure about that?'
'Pretty sure...'
'Was there alcohol in the dance punch?' Tikki asks.
'What! No, of course not!'
'Okay okay. Just checking'.
'I can't help but feel like I've missed something'
'Marinette... you need to stop overthinking. You'll talk to Alya and she'll explain what happened and everything will be okay. I promise'
'Oh Tikki, don't make promises you're not in control of'.

There's a knock.
'Hide Tikki', Marinette rushes to the door and open it.
'Come on' Alya's mom rushes Marinette into the car.
They arrive at the Hospital.
'I'm going to check on Alya, wait out here for a minutes' Mrs Césaire leaves Marinette standing in the Hospital hallway.
She comes back out a few minutes later.
'Marinette... she doesn't want to see anyone'
'What why?'
'I don't know. I'm really sorry'.
Marinette's eyes start filling up. 'No, please'
'We have to respect her wishes'
'I guess so'.
Marinette walks slowly back to the waiting room and lies herself across a couple chairs and covers her face with her arm.

💙An hour later💙

Marinette wakes up to being tapped on the shoulder. She opens her eyes and lets out a gasp. Nino and Adrien were looking down on me.
'Where am i?' Marinette says tiredly.
'Hospital waiting room' Nino tells her.
'Oh.. OH' she sits up with realisation.
'Have you seen Alya?!' She looks between them.
'We were on the way to see her and then we saw you, just lying here. Are you okay?' Adrien says.
'Mhm mhm' Marinette stands up.
She leads them to where Alya is and they go through.
Alya is there listening to music.
'Oh hey' she says.
'What happened? We were so worried about you!' Marinette exclaims.
'Well you see...' Alya starts.

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