What happened to alya (2)

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Alya continues, 'there's no real way to put this so I'm just going to go ahead and say it...I've been starving myself'
'WHAT' the 3 of them shout.
'It hurts that you haven't noticed. Remember when i bought you all donuts, i made sure there was only enough for three and I pretended I had one earlier. I've been having water every lunch at school. Marinette when your mom offered us food and i said i had already eaten-'
'-you hadn't' Marinette finished.
'We're so sorry' Adrien says.
'Yeh, we had no idea, why would you do this to yourself?'
'Chloe and Lyla have been secretly bullying and blackmailing me'
'Alya I didn't know-' Marinette said.
'Let me finish' Alya cuts in, 'Chloe didn't steel your dress Mari... I did'
Nino gasped.
'Chloe made me do it. She said if I didn't that she'd tell my parents about me not eating. I'm really sorry'
Marinette goes over and hugs her. 'If course it's okay. It's not your fault at all. You must know that you're beautiful the way you are and you need to start eating again before you develop an eating disorder'.
'I promise I'll try'.

*Screaming comes from outside*

Marinette gasped. 'Akuma' she mutters.
'Um I have to get home. There's an akuma so my father will be worried' Adrien said and he slowly exited the room.
'Me too, love you Alya'
'You too Mari'
'I'll stay here with you'
'Thank you, Nino'.
Marinette and Adrien leave together and run out of the hospital.

'Cya, stay safe' Adrien says.
Marinate stops running.
'Wait Adrien!'
He turns around and jogs back to her.
He smiles, 'yes?'
She leans in and hugs him and he's taken by surprise at first but soon enough he wraps his arms around her.

Then they part ways. Unknownly to Marinette that they were about to fight together

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