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💙10pm Wednesday night💙

Marinette look at the letter.
Gosh.. that's a lot of words.

Dear Adrien:
I didn't Fall in love with you,
I Walked into love with you,
with my eyes wide open,
choosing to take
every step along the way.
I do believe in fate and destiny,
but I also believe
we are only fated
to do the things
that we'd choose anyway.
And i'd choose you,
in a hundred life times,
in a hundred worlds,
in any version of reality,
I'd always find you
and I'd choose you.

Marinette's heart suddenly felt heavy as she took a deep breath and proceeded, reading the next paragraph.

As you passed me your black umbrella, your emerald eyes looked into my bluebell ones. It was as if you were reaching into my soul, tying a string from my heart to yours.
As you pressed your lips into that familiar smile, I melted. And walked into love with you. A deep love with you.

Marinette blinked a tear and went onto the third neatly written paragraph.

I know i'll never get the confidence to actually give this letter to you but I need to vent about you.
I will not fail to mention that you are the nicest person to everyone.
I remember that one time
that you offered to sit on the back row because Lila and I were arguing over sitting at the front desk. Honestly, the only reason we wanted to sit at the front was because we both wanted to sit by you. She has a massive crush on you.

Marinette chuckled and turned the page over.

I always get so jealous when you tell me about Kagami. One day, you sat me on a bench, and you said you needed advice about a girl that you liked.
'She has dark blue hair, blue mysterious eyes'
'Do I know her?' I asked, shyly.
'Yes' you answered, 'It's.. Kagami'.
My heart sank to the floor.
I'd been crushed, you liked somebody else, before I got to tell you about how I felt.
I plastered a fake smile on my face and told you to take her to the ice rink. You wanted me to come, so I brought my friend Luka. At first I didn't like Kagami, but she's not actually bad at all. We are quite good friends now.

She smiled,
remembering the time when her and Kagami used to hang out a lot. She had moved away 4 months ago to start her career as an artist.

The fourth paragraph.

When the class went on that class trip to New York, that was an interesting experience.
There was an akuma and Ladybug and CatNoir had come to fix it. There aren't supposed to be super villains in New York.
On the flight there, I was assigned to sit by you. I'm not going to lie, I was terrified. It was a long flight. After the awkward bit of you falling on top me, the rest of journey was alright actually.

Marinette blinked and a tear fell down her right cheek. She was crying of happiness from the memory. She sniffed and went onto the final paragraph.

You really bring out the best in me. Every time you call me a "friend" it hurts my heart. I don't want us to drift away;
you make me so happy. Maybe one day you'll consider me as more than just a friend to you.
Until then,
I'll be waiting..
Always and forever

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