~Dress fiansco~

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"Well I should probably get going" he stood up.
"Yeh" Marinette stood up as well.
"Good night, princess" he lightly pressed his lips against her forehead.

~The next morning~

'Try using your lucky charm m'lady' Chat suggested.

LadyBug threw her yo-yo into the air. 'Lucky charm!'
'A pair of scissors, what am I supposed to do with this'

She looked around the area, looking for clues.
'I have plan. You have to let him capture you'
'I trust you m'lady' he bowed.


'Miraculous ladybug!'

Mrs Bustier was taking attendance and once again.

'Max?' 'Here'.
'Marinette?' 'has anyone heard from Marinette?'

'I think she overslept' Alya said.

'Rose?' 'Here'.
'Adrien?' 'It's not like him to be late. Nino do you know anything?'

'Yeh, i'd say i'm quite smart, but no I haven't heard anything from Adrien if that's what you meant' he replied.

Mrs Bustier sighed, 'a simple yes or no would of been great'

Just then, the two soulmates burst through the doors.

'Where were you two this morning'

'I-I overslept'
'I had a last minute photo shoot'
They took their seats.
'Detention tomorrow morning, this is the third day in a row now. Not good enough you two'.

~In the lunch break~

'Have any of you boys asked a girl yet?'

'Not yet but i'm planning to today' Adrien said.
'Who?' Alya interjected.
'My girlfriend'

'Y-you have a girlfriend?'
Why am I still stuttering Marinette scolded herself.

'Oh yes. I wasn't supposed
to tell anyone with the risk of my father finding out though.. you know how it is'

'Oh come on dude just tell us'

'Oh fine.
You guys wouldn't know her, her name's..(one second, two second..) Livatesy. I met her at fencing practice'. This makes me feel so guilty but I must lie.

'Cool dude!' Nino fist bumped him.
'I'm happy for you' Marinette smiled.

Alya was looking sad.

'I'm just going to talk to Alya, be right back' Marinette said and dragged Alya out the classroom with her.

'You're never this quiet, what's up?'
Alya looked up at her, 'i'm sorry it's just i've shipped adrienette for years and now he's got a girlfriend. Who isn't you' a tear dropped down her cheek.

Marinette wiped it away. 'I'm happy. Don't worry, i'm completely over him'.

'If you say so'.

The walked back in.

Nino rushed to them. 'Alya, are you okay?'

She smiled, 'yes'.
'May I speak with you?' he asked.

They left the classroom.

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