~~LadyBug & CatNoir~~

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That night Marinette lay on her bed, replaying the events of that day.

Tikki flew down and hovered above her face, 'it's already ten o'clock Marinette, and you have school tomorrow'
'Yeh, I'll go turn out the lights now' Marinette said, standing up.

Marinette got dressed and she wore black leggings with a white crop top and a pink hoodie.
Her blue hair was tied up in her iconic pig tails as she walked into school.

Alya met her best friend outside of the school.

'Hey girl! You look so cute' she fussed.
Marinette playfully rolled her eyes and smiled.
Alya pointed, 'There's Nino and Adrien. Let's go over there'
'Whaat! Nooo'
She was pushing Marinette, who was trying her hardest to resist.

Alya seemed to be stronger, as she succeeded.

'Uhh, h-hey guys' Marinette said trying to be cool.

'Yo dude'
'Hi Marinette'

'Hey Nino, hey Adrien' Alya greeted.

'Hey guys,' another girl approached them.
Her long, dark, brown hair trailed down her back.

'Hi Lila' Adrien said, reluctantly. He wasn't too keen on her himself.

Nobody else greeted her.
'Why are you talking to us' Marinette asked, bitterly.

Lila smiled innocently, 'just being polite'.

'Well bye' Alya gave her a judgemental look.

'I was also wondering if I could talk to you Adrien' she smirked at Marinette, who rolled her eyes.

'Quickly' Adrien followed Lila until they were out of earshot.
'Would you like to be my boyfriend?' she asked him.

Lila sighed annoyed, 'I asked you like it was your choice but you've made it difficult for yourself'
'What do you want, Lila?'
'Look Adrien, I need to be popular. So, you will date me,' she told him. 'Or i'll make your life a living hell, don't underestimate me.'

'It already is' he shot back.

'It could always get worse' Lila stroked his arm.

'True, but you don't know my weak spots' Adrien turned to walk away.

'I know Marinette is one of them'
He shot back around, 'Stay away from my friends'
he balled his fists.
'I think I found your weak spot' Lila laughed smugly.

Adrien managed to control his temper and join his friends.


After school, when Miranette reaches her bedroom an idea struck her.

'CatNoir has always wanted to go ice skating, why not take him now? As LadyBug of course. He wouldn't miss an opportunity to spend time with his lady'

'That's a good idea, Miranette' Tikki encouraged.

Miranette sat at her desk and scribbled a note.

Dear Chat:
Can we go ice skating at 7pm?
Let me know if you're free and we can meet in the park.

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