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                 💙After school💙

'Your boyfriend's waiting,' Alya looked at Adrien and back to Marinette, then winked at her. 'You go girl, I know this will go great'.

'thanks Alya' Marinette walked, blushing and smiling towards Adrien.

'H-hi Mari'
'Mari?' Marinette asked, confused.
'Oh sorry I mean Marinette,' what was I thinking, I almost gave away my alter ego, 'There's this girl at fencing called Mari and I got a bit confused, I guess'.

-Wow real smooth Agreste, real smooth-

'Oh o-okay..' Marinette said, a clear tone of disappointment.

-I really hope I didn't offend her-

Adrien cleated his throat, 'how is your day going?'
'It's uh, go- going good. h- how's yours?'
'S-Same. i've got Chinese lessons in a bit'
Marinette nodded.

'Well this is my house. Thank you Adrien'.

'That's the first sentence you've said to me without stuttering, well done Marinette,' he smiled and Marinette thought she might've seen him blush a little.

-He's right. That is the first sentence I've ever said to him without blushing. I'm proud of myself. Also wow..he actually noticed, when I thought nothing of it-

'Really? I didn't realise. I guess I'm becoming more confident with you.' Marinette's cheeks lit up pink.

Marinette went up to her room and did her homework.

At 6pm there was a knock on her glass door for her balcony, upstairs.

'Hey Mari. I was passing by, felt a bit lonely, so I was wondering if you wanna hang out with me?'

'Yes of course, come in. I need a cute nickname for you too'.

'Awh you think the nickname is cute. Clawsome!' CatNoir smirked.

'Clawsome?!' she scoffed. 'Never say that again'
CatNoir laughed.

'Umm so what do I call you. Kitty! Of course, do you mind if I call you Kitty?' Marinette asked.

'No I don't mind. It sounds Purrfect'.
-That is what Ladybug calls me..heh what a coincidence-

'So how is your leg doing?'
'Still broken, but I think it's getting better' Marinette smiled.
(She's still on crutches!)

They sat down on Marinette's bed.

'I've been going through a strangely weird obsession with music' CatNoir said.
'Ooh what artist?'
'Lately i've heard a lot of Nirvana'
'Omg yes what's your favourite song?'

they spent a little while discussing their music preferences.

'We should play truth or dare' CatNoir suggested.

'Okay you asked me'

'Truth or dare Mari?'
'Uhh, I think dare'

CatNoir looks around the room.

'Okay. I dare you to flirt with me' and he gave Marinette a flirtatious wink.

She rolled her eyes.

Marinette slowly got up close to CatNoir and sat on his lap. They were nose to nose.

'Are you sun?' she asked, 'because i'm blinded by your beauty'.

'That's Purretty good, Princess. Did you make it up?' CatNoir asked.

'Yup' Marinette said proudly.

They both went a bright shade of pink when they realised she was still on his lap.

She threw herself backwards off him, so fast.

CatNoir chuckled, 'are you okay, Mari?'

'Yeh, just fine. My broken leg actually didn't feel
any pain'

Marinette stood up and tested her weight on her "broken leg"

'Oh it's fine now. I guess it wasn't broken after all'

She went a bit pink.
-This is weird. I feel a different connection between Marinette and CatNoir than I do between LadyBug and CatNoir-

'Okay my turn. Truth or dare Kitty?'
'Dare princess,' he responded.
'Umm, I don't know any good dares. I need to get to know you more so I dare you to pick truth next round'

'Damn you smartass,' CatNoir gave Marinette a playful shove.

'Truth or dare, Mari?' he asked.

'Do you have a crush? Looks like you do with all these pictures of that model'
CatNoir teased.

Marinette blushed hard and bit her lip to hide her smile.
'What? Adrien?! I'm just really into fashion that's all'

'I was messing with you Mari. I didn't think you liked him anyway. So who's your crush? Come on, all girls have one.'

'That's not necessarily true..but you're right I do have one and it's Adrien' She sighed and look down.

'W-what, you're kidding, right?'
'Not really' confirmed Marinette.

'W-what do you like about him?' CatNoir asked with great interest.

Marinette lay down. 'It's his beautiful green eyes, his golden soft hair. Everything about how he looks. He's tall, but not too tall roughly a head taller than me. His personality as well, he's sweet, kind and caring to people that don't even deserve it. He'll never judge anyone or make fun of them for anything. He's always been there for me. All my friends know and they keep telling me that I should tell him, but every time I try, my words get mixed up and what I say doesn't even make sense. It's so embarrassing. I- well, I just love him so much.'

-Wow..I did not expect anyone to love me like that. Especially not Marinette, I thought she just stuttered because she was shy, but she's actually just nervous to be around me because I give her butterflies. I give her butterflies, damn I did not realise I had that kind of power. It must of hurt every time I called her " a friend"

'You should invite him to hang out. Try be more confident around him.' CatNoir suggested.

'Believe me Kitty. I'm trying' Marinette sat up and laughed.

'What are you laughing at?' he asked.
'Myself' she smiled.

Then unexpectedly, Marinette hugged her Kitty. It lasted a good long few moments. She felt protected, yet relaxed in his firm, yet loving arms.

CatNoir stroked her hair.

'You smell nice' he added and he smiled into her hair.

Marinette gently let him go.
'Good night my Kitty'
'Good night my Princess'

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