<3 Epilogue <3

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'We're missing a lot of school' Ladybug says as she swings her yo-yo.
'I know, it's not great' Catnoir says, 'You know, a lot of kids would kill for this life.'
'Yeh well,' ladybug jumps onto the Eiffel Tower, 'a lot of kids would kill the population of Paris.'
He laughs, 'You make a good point, M'Lady.' Then adds, 'You know, since we're already 2 and a half hours late for school. What do you say we get some ice cream when we defeat this akuma.'
'I'd say that's a good idea, Kitty.'

'Bye bye, little butterfly'
They go in an alleyway to de-transform.
'Catnoir, I think this was the very alleyway that you found me in that day Chloe—'
'—Oh yeah. I remember that day, I think that was the day I started falling for Marinette.'
'I liked you so long before that. And you knew! I can't believe you knew for so long!'
'It came as a pretty big shock.'
Marinette laughed, 'Really? I'm surprised you didn't know before...it was kind of obvious.'
Adrien kissed her, 'Soo ice cream!'
She blushed and smiled, 'Right! Let's go.'

This was a short piece just to clarify that they did officially become a thing, it's a healthy relationship and they really love each other.

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