~~An Argument~~

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Marinette woke up on a Sunday morning to the sound of shrieks and destruction.

'Oh not so early in the morning please. It's 8am, somebody must of woke up on the wrong side of the bed. Tikki spots on!'

'Bout time you showed up Bugaboo' CatNoir smirked.

'Sorry, I went to bed late last night'
'How come?' he asked.
'Had a visitor, we can't speak about our personal lives, remember' LadyBug reminded him.

They fought and de-evilized the villain.
LadyBug shot back home and de-transformed.

As she climbed down her ladder Alya was standing there in her room.

Marinette scratched the back of her neck.

'Alya..what are you doing here'.
'Girl where have you been? I've been blowing up your phone with calls and texts,' she handed Marinette her own phone.
Marinette looked at all the notifications from Alya.
'Why are you always trying to contact me?' Marinette asked.
'You're my best friend. I need homework help, sister advice, I want you to let me know that you're ALIVE. You've been so secretive lately, I feel like I'm not your number one anymore. I miss you being normal.'

'I'm sorry,' Marinette apologised.
'Just don't,' Alya left.

Marinette was internally screaming.

Just then she heard the doorbell downstairs. She was sitting on the middle of the floor, in her bedroom, scrolling throw the texts that Alya sent her whilst she was fighting as LadyBug.

'I feel so bad Tikki'
'It's okay Marinette, it wasn't your fault. Plus she'll come around, you two are best friends'.

'Marinette?' her mom called, 'somebody's at the door for you'

Marinette made her way downstairs. As soon as she saw who it was, she ran back upstairs.

'Ah I'm not dressed!' she shrieked at Tikki.
'Calm down Marinette and pick out an outfit'

It was 35°C/83°F, so she needed something summery to wear.
She chose to wear, denim shorts and a gray tank top.

Marinette went downstairs to greet her friend.

'H-Hey Adrien, w-what are you d-doing here?' Marinette asked shaking, and it clearly wasn't from coldness.

'H-Hi Ma-Marinette, Alya said that you two had a fight but Nino, Alya, you and I planned to hang out today b-but Alya said you've probably for-forgotten, so i've c-come to pick you up. If you're still interested?'

Wow word gets around fast

'Y-yeh, i'd love um to go' Marinette smiled.

They left the house and walked to the park where they met Alya and Nino.

'Hey, Marinette was free' Adrien walked her towards them.
'Cool!' Nino said.

They went to get ice cream. There were two benches that were placed across from each other. Nino and Alya shared one bench and Adrien and Marinette shared the other.

Nino was licking his ice cream and listening to music.

Alya was licking her ice cream and reading a book.

Adrien was licking his ice cream and doing something on his phone.

Marinette was licking ice cream and staring absentmindedly into space.

It caught in the corner of her eye that Adrien was looking at pictures of LadyBug from the internet.

Marinette blushed.

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