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Marinette is in a science class and she's sitting next to Adrien at the front of the class. Her heart is feeling fluttery.
Marinette and Adrien are passing notes about how boring the science lesson is and what they'd rather be doing.

There's a voice from the back of the classroom.
'Uhhh Miss,' Lila's hand shot up, 'Marinette and Adrien are being so distracting and I can even hear them from the back of the classroom.'

Marinette rolls her eyes.

'May I suggest I switch  places with Adrien?'

Marinette is perplexed, she always wants to sit next to Adrien. Who she drools over. Now she's switching places with Adrien?

The teacher looks at Marinette and Adrien, 'I expected better from you two. Yes, Lila, great idea. Adrien, you can swap places with Lila.'

Adrien puts his head down and stands up.
As he walks passed Lila, she whispers 'Remember my warning.'

Lila sits down smugly.
Marinette looks straight ahead, refusing to look at her new desk partner.
Lila scribbles something on a piece of paper and taps Marinette on the shoulder.
Marinette reluctantly looks at what Lila is showing her.

'Uhhh miss!' Lila said again, 'Marinette is copying my work!'
'Marinette that is it!' The teacher said sharply, 'Principle's office now.'

Marinette goes pale. Humiliation.
She stands up. So does Adrien.
'Miss, I can't let you-'
The teacher interrupts him, 'Not another word from you Adrien or I'll call your father.'
Adrien had to sit down. His father could easily take him out of school.

Marinette walked to the principal's office and sat there till lunch.

The friend group were sitting at a table in the cafeteria. Marinette walked up to them.

'Hey girl, that was so unfair,' Alya said.
Adrien and Nino said hi.
Marinette sat down by her best friend.
'She always wins' she sighed.
'You can't let her get to you, Marinette!'
'I know, and I try.'
'Anyway,' Alya said in an attempt to change the subject, 'what did you do after school yesterday? You never replied to my text.'
'Ohh sorry, I went ice skating,'
'Who who?' Adrien cuts in quickly.
Marinette notice the speed of his response and frowns, 'A cousin.'
'Named?' Adrien questions again.
'Dude-' Nino intercepts.
'What? I'm just curious.'

This gave Marinette enough time to think up a name.
Adrien smiles, 'okay.'
But he's not convinced. Marinette feels suddenly claustrophobic.

'What about after that Marinette? You couldn't be ice skating all evening.' Alya said.
Adrien went pink. Nobody noticed.
'I was exhausted when I got home, fell asleep as soon as I reached my bed. Fully clothed and all. Surprised I don't look worse today.'
Alya laughed, 'Oh okay, girl.'

~After school~
'Bye Alya!' Marinette waved.
Marinette was walking home. Tikki flew out of her pink bag.
'What a day it's been'
'Tell me about it Tikki'

'Hey Marinette,' Adrien walked over to her. 'Were you just..talking to yourself?'

'Uh- what! no way, just sending a voice message to Alya,' she said awkwardly.

i could of sworn she didn't have her phone out..
Adrien thought.

'Anyway i'm well, you?'
'Me too' he smiled.
'Well uh- see you around then' Marinette waved and carried on walking back to her bakery.

'This is my chance Plagg, what if Marinette was talking to her kwami! And she is LadyBug!? Remember she went ice skating yesterday! Just like Catnoir and Ladybug.'

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