~~A strong friendhship~~

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'I want to get to know you more Marinette. What's your favourite colour? And Favourite animal?' Adrien asked.

'I have two favourite colours, blue and pink. My favourite animal is a hamster. What about you?'

'My favourite colour is red and my favourite animal is a cat' Adrien told her.


'Good choices' Marinette praised.
'Who's your celebrity crush?' Adrien asked next.

'Probably, CatNoir. Who's yours?'

'CatNoir huh. He is pretty cool to be fair. Mine is LadyBug'.

Marinette blushed a little and hoped Adrien didn't notice.

'So what's your favourite Cat pun?' Adrien asked her with interest.

'What's the Purroblem because that one's just purrfect' Marinette responded proudly.
'Sounds like you've spent some time around CatNoir'

'I-I no-no' Marinette stammered and blushed.

They talked for a little while longer, just getting to know each other.

Out of nowhere an akumatized villain threw something large in their direction.

Adrien saw it coming first and he dived off his chair to push Marinette out of the way. He fell on top of her and quickly apologised before he took her hand and they ran off.

'I've got to get you to safety' Adrien told her.

'What about you?' Marinette asked.
'I- don't worry about me' Adrien reassured her.

'But..I do worry about you Adrien'

Adrien and Marinette turned into a dark alleyway.

'Stay here. I've got something to take care of' Adrien told her and ran the other direction.

'Tikki spots on!'
Now Marinette was LadyBug.

They defeated the villain.

'We don't really talk so much anymore..' LadyBug said to CatNoir.

'I'm sorry M'Lady, I've been so busy dealing with my personal problems at school and home. I've also made a friend as CatNoir and I'll be visiting her tonight' CatNoir said.

'Her?' It took LadyBug a moment. OH right me.

'Yes' CatNoir scratched the back of his neck.

'Don't worry have a good time'

CatNoir smiled at her before he left.

Damn how do I be both Marinette at home and Marinette in the alleyway.
Adrien comes first, sorry Kitty.

LadyBug jumped back to where she was last Marinette and de-transformed.

CatNoir hides and de- transforms. Then as Adrien he goes to the Alleyway where he left Marinette.

'You're still there thank goodness Marinette' Adrien hugged her and it took her by surprise but she blushed and hugged him back.

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