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The next day at school

"Hi Alya" Marinette greeted her best friend and took a seat beside her.
"Hey girl!"

Adrien, who was sat behind the girls by Nino couldn't help but stare. He eavesdropped on their conversation.

"What were you up to yesterday?! You didn't answer any of my texts, again" Alya accused.

Both Marinette and Adrien blushed.

"Uh right, i -i'm sorry. Busy with designs..and stuff"
Alya raised an eyebrow, "and stuff??"
"Sleeping, yeh that's right, i went straight to bed yesterday, I was really tired"

"Again....right, so you didn't work on your designs then?"

Adrien mentally chuckled.
Without thinking he said, "She was with me, Alya"

The two girls turned around.
"What" they chorused.

Adrien- Why did I just say that

"Yup I met up with her yesterday afternoon" he snuck a wink at Miranette.

"Were you just eavesdropping on our conversation?" Alya asked.

"Um, sorry. Anyway are you girls excited for the dance?"
"OMG YES" Alya shrieked.
"There's a dance?" Marinette looked confused.

Nino joined in the conversation, "Yes. I should take Alya and then Adrien and Marinette should go together"

Alya laughed, "Great idea, but that's not how it works. You could ask me to go with you if you wanted"

"I'll think about it" Nino smirked.

"It sounds painful, i'm not going"
"Marinette you have to go! It'll
be so much fun!"

"We have different ideas of fun, Alya"
"She's right, you should go. You'll likely enjoy yourself" Adrien agreed.

"Mm I'll think about it" she sighed,
"when it is?"



"Yes" Alya laughed.

"That's not enough time to make my dress!"
"Then just buy one, I know you're not short of money"
"I'm going to attempt to make one in the time"

"I'm sure it'll look beautiful" Adrien smiled.

~After school in Mari's bedroom~

Chat didn't bother knocking, he surprised her.

'I'm here to make it up to you,' he said.
'How are you going to do that?' Marinette asked without looking at him.
'I'm not sure yet... but hey! We have time.'
'Okay, bye'
'M'Lady, look at me.'

Marinette looks up at him, he's only a couple feet away from her. She sees that he's holding a bouquet of Lotus flowers. Her favourite.

'How traditional,' Marinette rolled her eyes but she smiled.
Catnoir pinched one of her rosy cheeks, 'I see your little smile.'
Marinette swatted his hand away and looked down.
'Are you going to take them?' He asked, holding out the flowers.
Marinette took them and placed them on her desk.

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