~~Sunday romantic ride~~

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Plagg woke Adrien up and he transformed back into CatNoir and slept until Marinette woke him up.

'Wow it worked' she said, 'you're CatNoir'.
He smiled, 'I am'.

'Also' he began, 'I happen to be a close friend of Adrien's, in the catsuit of course. Since you seem to be hopelessly in love with him, would you like his number. I'm sure he won't mind'

'Uh I don't know..what if he asks how I got his number?' Marinette asked, unsure.

'Tell him an unknown friend gave it to you. Adrien's blind, he won't question it at all'

'But what if he blocks me straight away' Marinette protested.

'He's not like that. You of all people should know' CatNoir said.

He took Marinette back to her bedroom and wrote down his own number.

'How would you know Adrien's number off by heart though?' she was suspicious.

'Well, I had loads of free time yesterday afternoon and I memorised it for you.' It was true, I hadn't learnt my own number by heart and I thought that was a good excuse to finally learn it.

'Oh Kitty. You didn't have to do that, but I'm glad you did. I'm just so nervous to text him, what should I say'

'Start with, hey this is Marinette Dupain-Cheng from school, a friend of yours gave me your number because they think I should have it for some reason, send that' CatNoir advised.

She hesitated, 'are you sure he won't think i'm weird?'

'Sent!' She squealed, and face planted onto her bed.

'Are all girls this dramatic?'
Marinette just rolled her eyes and ignored him.

'Well I think i'm going to go now princess. We shall meet again soon'. CatNoir waved and saluted.

-Adrien's house-

'Alright Plagg, I cant be too sus so I mustn't respond straight away. Maybe i'll give it twenty minutes'.

'You do whatever you think is best' Plagg said, uncaring.

Adrien finished off one set of homework.

Adrien started pacing in his room.
'I need to make as big as a fuss about this message and Marinette made with her's he told Plagg. 'Maybe if I say...Hey Marinette! Hope you are good, cool you got my number. We should hang out today, if you're free, my dad has booked me some horseback riding lessons. I could pick you up? Let me know. And sent! What do you think of that Plagg'

'Ugh you teens are too complicated for Kwami's like me. All I need is some cheese and i'll be happy'. Plagg responded.

'AH' Marinette screamed as she just finished reading Adrien's text.
'Ahhhhhhhhhh. NO OMG I DON'T BELIEVE THIS!' she shrieked.

'Better not leave him on read then,' Tikki laughed.

Marinette gasped, 'no! Definitely not! He'll think i'm being rude. But then what do I say?'

'Well are you free?'
'Yeh I am. As long as there's no akumatizations'.

'Yes, I would love to. What time?' Adrien read the message aloud and smiled.

'Eeeee this is amazing!' she shrieked.

Marinette: 1 sounds good! See you then.
Adrien: Can't wait 🙂

Marinette got dressed and decided to wear white ripped jeans, a plain, navy, blue t'shirt, a dark green hoodie with a black cap and navy, blue trainers. Her bluenette hair was tied into two french braids that her mum did.

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