~Facetime call~

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'Well I'm going to head home now BUT I still think that you and adrien should attend the dance together. As 'just friends' of course' Alya says with a wink.

Marinette bites her lip to stop herself from smiling and roles her eyes.

'I don't think so'
'Why not though? It'd be perfect'
'I'm. over. him.'
'No you're not girl. How about just facetime him'
'What? Tonight???' Marinette grabs and shakes alya's arms.

'Yes! Tonight!! Make small talk, ask him how he is, talk about the dance and see where things go from there. What ever you do, don't let it get awkward! do anything it takes to stay on that call!'

'No no no, that will not be as smooth as you make it sound'

Alya saw Mari's phone on her desk and picks it up.

'Um alya..' Marinette panics, 'what are you doing?'

'Making your life so much better' she says with a smirk.
'You better not be-'

'Too late!' she says and hits dial on Adrien's number. Passing the phone back to her.

'Gotta run! Sorry not sorry' Alya runs out her room.

'Wha-i-i'm not ready for this!!' Marinette shrieks.

'Ready for what?' came a familiar voice through the phone.

'Not ready for...the dance tomorrow! I'm actually r-really nervous about it'


'Well I-'

'No matter how you feel, I know you'll look like a princess tomorrow night'

'Thanks. Wait- what'

'I mean, all of us will be looking like royalty. am I right?'

'Yes?' she replied, unsure.
'Are you okay though Adrien? About Liv-at um.. that girl-'

'OH! No. I mean, yes! I'm okay. Our relationship wasn't that serious. We both decided it was for the better'.

'Oh that's good. Do you want to talk about it?' Marinette offered.

'Not at all' Adrien admitted bluntly. Then gasped at the thought of sounding rude.
'Thank you! For the offer.. though. You're a good...friend, Marinette.'

She's with CatNoir now. Can't blame me for calling her a friend this time.

'Speak of being a good friend..' she began, 'as good friends, it was Alya's idea. Would you like to attend the dance.. um'

'Yes?' Adrien asked eagerly.

'Together, as um...good friends?'

'I'd love to Mari that sounds fun'.


'Was that sarcastic?' asked adrien.
'What? No! Not at all. Did it sound sarcastic?'
Adrien laughed a little, 'no no, not at all'.

'We have a lot of homework due tomorrow..' Marinette told him.

'Yup and i'm finished' Adrien said.

'Oh. good for you! I'm not.. I almost am though!'
'Need any help?'

She didn't. Marinette was always on top of homework and had top grades just like Adrien.

Alya's words repeated in her head...
Do anything it takes to stay on that call

'A little help wouldn't hurt'.

'Cool, i've requested to facetime so it'll be easier' Adrien responded.

Adrien spent an hour talking her through the work.

'I'm finally done! You've been a big help. thank you so much'
she said smiling.

Adrien didn't want this call to end just as much as Marinette.

He smiled back. 'Glad that I could help. There is something else i'd like to help you with though'

'Oh yeh?'

'Yeh. So you're nervous about the dance'

'Uhh, mhm' she nodded.
'I want to let you know that you will be mine for the night. If you feel confident when you're there, then you go to our friends, get drinks or whatever. I want you to have fun. But if you're feeling a better scared or insecure I want you to know that I won't let you out of my sight. You can hold my hand all night, we can dance and if you don't like dancing that's fine, we can sit on the benches and talk for hours and when you feel sick after all the drinks or overwhelmed by the noise and flashing light, i'll take you outside and we can walk to your pace or lie on the grass and look for constellations.
And When ever you are ready, I will walk you home.
Everybody deserves someone and I know you aren't mine but i'll make sure you feel special tomorrow night. it'll be a night you'll never forget.'

718 words

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