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It was a Thursday evening. Marinette was sitting out on her balcony, reading a book.

'Hey Marinette' came a familiar voice in front of her. She lifted her head and smiled.

'CatNoir? What are you doing here?'
'Just thought i'd drop in on a friend' he responded.
'Huh? We're friends now? I've barely spoken to you' barely spoken to you as Marinette, anyway.

'Well i've bumped into you a couple times and we've had some quick chats'
'hah I see what you did there' Marinette giggled.

Suddenly an arrow shot out of nowhere and hit Marinette's heart. It didn't seem to do any harm it just bounced off her.

CatNoir gasped. 'Go back to your room, lock the windows, the doors. This villain looks like they're trying to get people to fall in love with the person-
'CatNoir?' Marinette looked up at him innocently.

'Me..No Marinette, it'll be okay just go back to your room' he warned.
'I can't leave you to fight them alone, Kitty I love you'

'I know it's just the spell Marinette. You'll be back to normal soon' Where are you LadyBug..

CatNoir carries Marinette down to her bedroom and places her carefully on her bed.

'Please don't leave me.. I don't want you to get hurt' Marinette pulled CatNoir to her so that his straight arms were keeping him up above her.

He felt a bit awkward.

Randomly without any warning, Marinette kissed him. It was only for a few seconds, but CatNoir didn't resist, but he didn't kiss her back either.

He felt bad for Marinette, it was his fault that she got hit with the arrow and now she's kissing him while under a love spell.

They broke apart.
'I have to go now, Mari. See you soon, I promise' he kissed her hand and left.

'Tikki I need to go after him and express my love to him'
'Marinette now way! You must not let him find out that you're in love with him as LadyBug or he'll know that you're Marinette' Tikki said.

'But I could of just been another one of his victims' Marinette protested.
'It's too risky, you can't' Tikki disagreed.
'okay, Tikki spots on!'

She goes to join CatNoir and they
fight and defeat the villain. LadyBug returns to her house and detranforms.

CatNoir came through from the balcony.
'Hi Marinette?'
'Hey CatNoir'

'You don't happen to remember anything from earlier, do you?' CatNoir asked, a bit embarrassed.
'I remember a bit of us hanging out,' Marinette replied, 'up until someone got akumatized. i'm guessing you went?'

'So..you don't remember what you said to me during that?' CatNoir asked.
'No why? What did I say?'

'Uh I don't remember' he lied, 'I should go now. Good night Mari'

CatNoir turned to go and then turned back.
'Can I call you Mari?' he asked, unsure.
'Uhh, sure' Marinette shrugged.

The next day, Adrien was hiding in the bathroom. Talking to himself, well plagg.

'Come on Adrien. You can't hide in this stinky place forever. I don't know how you can complain about my Camembert when you humans have THIS place' Plagg moaned.

Adrien sighed, 'I just can't stop thinking about that kiss with Mari, I know it meant nothing because she was under a spell and it wasn't necessary my first kiss because i'm kissed LadyBug a couple times but I don't remember either of them and this time they forgot their memory and i'm left with this awkwardness. Anyway school's going to start now so i'm just going to get to class.

Adrien left the toilet and went into his classroom. His eyes fell apon Marinette who was chatting to Alya.

Just go up to her —Adrien thought—

'H-hey M- Marinette' he said and gave her his lopsided smile.

'H-hi Adrien' Why does that smile feel so familiar.

Alya leaned over and whispered to Marinette, 'you're not the only one stuttering now' and she giggled.

'I w-was wondering if I could walk you home today a-after school. If you'd like' Adrien offered.

'Suuure. l-love you...I MEAN I'd love you to home me walk, I mean, walk home me, no, walk me home. Yeh' Marinette lets out a nervous giggle.

'Great. See you t-then,' Adrien says and his cheeks meet Marinette shade.

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