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Marinette and Adrien stepped into the hall.
it was beautifully decorated. helium balloons floated against the ceiling. multiple tables were lined up against the other wall. snacks and drinks had
been lain across the tables.
disco lights were flashing colours and projectors lit of the ceiling with patterns.
In the furthest corner to their right, a DJ was standing with a record in, which played hip-hop music.

It was pretty full, but enough space to move around without bumping into people.
There was girls and boys dancing and drinking and talking.

'Let's look for Alya and Nino'
They walked hand-in-hand. She couldn't help but feel a little guilty like she was betraying CatNoir.

It's one night.
it's not real
She kept telling herself.

Is this real? Should I be mad as Cat??
Adrien was thinking.
I can't help but enjoy this though.. and it wouldn't be fair to be mad with her, but at the same time it'd make sense.

'omg there you are!' Alya said as she hugged Marinette. 'You look like such a queen!'
'so do youu' Mari hugged back and slowly pulled away.

Nino and Adrien did there best-bro handshake.

'So are you guys official get?' Marinette said as she leaned her head against Alya's and they looked down.
'Yes yes but we haven't told anyone about it so..'
'Oh yeh yeh of course'

'We're going to get drinks' Nino told the girls and then him and Adrien walks over to the drinks table.

'Does that mean they're going to bring us drinks too?' Mari frowned.
'Oh I have no idea girl' Alya shrugged. 'So feelings coming back? Do you love Adrien once again?'

Oh lord.. Is it that obvious
'..no' she answered, after a short pause.
'I saw the hesitation there!'
'Listen I-'

'Two drinks for the ladies' Nino bowed his head and gave them each a filled paper cup.
Adrien passed a cup to Nino, and they all held them up and bumped them gently in the middle.

'Cheers to another school year that is almost over' Adrien took a sip.
'Half a term left!' Alya added and drank.
'Cheers to my friends and family' Marinette sipped.
'Can't wait to leave home' Nino chugged the whole thing.

'You still have another full year Nino' Adrien told him.
'ok ok I don't care'.

'Let's dance' Alya grabbed Marinette's and Nino's hand. With her free hand, Mari pulled Adrien along.

A rock song played as they free-styled.

'Hey Mari-trash' Chloe has sashayed over to them. 'I've just come to check your dress hasn't outshone mine' she smirked.

Marinette rolled her eyes and reluctantly looked at Chloe's dress.

'You dirty rotten-' Marinette made a sudden jolt forward as if to grab Chloe but before she could reach her, she felt a warm pair of hands wrapped firmly around her torso.

'Let me!'
Adrien took Mari's hair behind her right ear 'no it's okay' he whispered, chin leaning lightly on her right shoulder.

'That sparkle of a human-being stole the dress I hand stitched and designed!'
'WHAT' Alya shouted, 'THAT BI-'

'sh sh shh.. we don't want to attract attention'

(the music was loud enough for unwanted ears to not overhear)

'Let's get them outside' Nino said to Adrien.

They pulled the girls away and outside.
There was a gravel path outside.
They all started walking down the gravel path.

Alya and Nino went into the field and Marinette and Adrien kept walking.

'What's the time?' she asked.
'Um' Adrien glanced at his watch, 'just gone 10'.
They went over to a tree and lay on their backs, on the grass, side by side.

'Look at how beautiful the stars are' Adrien said.
'I know right. I could lie under them all night'

Was she hinting something?

'Same ahah'
'Why'd you come here with me though.. like actually?' Marinette asked.
'What are...'
Wait I don't want to say that
'Because I thought it could be fun'

Nobody said anything.

'Why did you agree to come with me?'
'I didn't want to let you down'
'Is that it?'

'Ok' he muttered.

Marinette sat up.
Adrien noticed and sat up too.
They looked at each other.

'I-' Mari sighed. She started leaning in.
Adrien just froze.
She stopped right before his lips. Hesitating..
'I can't. I'm so sorry' Marinette spoke and got up and ran.

'No wait Mari!' Adrien ran after her.

Marinette had stopped and Adrien stood next to her.
Lyla stood in front on them.
drink in hand. smirking.

Adrien rolled his eyes and said sarcastically, 'Where did you come from'.
'Your dad's bed' she replied.

But before Adrien had time respond, Lyla had stepped forward and tipped her drink up ALL OVER Marinette's dress.

Lyla threw her cup on the ground dramatically. She reached out her palm to touch Adrien's chest.
'Remember what I said about revenge. ITS. NOT. OVER'

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