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💙Thursday Morning💙

'Tomorrow's the dance!' Alya announced to the group.

They were in their early lunch break at school. Sitting around a table outside, the sun shining through the thin clouds.
There was a food truck and they each had bought something.

Marinette was sipping on her Chocolate milkshake.

Alya had a bottle of water.

Nino was eating a slice of pepperoni pizza.

Adrien had a toasted sandwich.

'Did you remember to get a dress?' Alya asked Mari.

Umm oh no-
I completely forgot, I was going to go after CatNoir left but then I read the note and went to bed.

She'll be so disappointed, maybe I'll just tell a little lie. I'll get the dress today and it'll all be fine.

'Yes, Alya. I've got a beautiful dress I will completely outshine Chloe'
'Yes you will girl'

'Are you still going with erm what's-her-name ?' Alya asked Adrien.
'Who? OHH Livatesy. We broke up actually'. (Liv-ate-see)

That was so stupid of me
Adrien thought.

'You didn't tell me about that' Nino frowned.
'Sorry' Adrien stated, lamely.

'So you're going alone then?' Alya asked.

'..And so is Mari' she continued.
'Alya don't.' Marinette interjected.

'You two might as well just go together' Nino finished for his girlfriend.

Adrien chuckled.
'We could go together as friends?'

'Um' Marinette wasn't sure what to say. She was sure CatNoir wouldn't be happy about this. 'Sorry I can't. It just doesn't seem ... right. I'll see you there though'

He nodded in understanding, 'Yeh, okay'.

Nino scratched the back of his neck.
'This isn't awkward...' he mumbled.

They all looked at him.

'What dont look at me'

*Akuma attack happens*

'Pound it' they say.

Then they leave.

💙Marinette's house💙

Marinette has just got back home from the shop where she bought her dress for the dance.

'Right this dress isn't as pretty as the one I was making but it'll have to do'

'It will look gorgeous on your Mari' Tikki praised, 'Wait, I can add the final touch.'
Tikki span around the dress and it came to life with sparkle and silk.

'TIKKI! It looks incredible.' Marinette stared at the dress in the mirror.

'Marinette, Alya's here' Sabine called from downstairs.
'I'm not expecting her' she said to Tikki.
'That's a nice surprise though' Tikki responded.

Marinette went downstairs.

She greeted her best friend with a hug.

'I came over to see your dress and to show you mine!'
'Great! Come up'.

Marinette lead Alya to her bedroom.

Marinette's Dress:

'That's so gorgeous!' Alya shrieked

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'That's so gorgeous!' Alya shrieked.
'Show yours now!'

Marinette grabbed the brown bag that Alya was holding and pulled out the dress.

Alya's Dress:

'Ooh that's pretty!' Mari exclaimed

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'Ooh that's pretty!' Mari exclaimed.
'I know right! I'm so excited to wear it'

Sabine peaked her head through the trap door,
'Donuts girls?'

'Yes please' Marinette took a donut.
'Yes please, they look delicious.'
'Just take the plate, girls.'

Alya took it and placed it on Marinette's desk.

'Thanks Mama' Marinette called down.

Alya takes one and has a bite, 'Yummy!'

Alya leaves.
When Marinette goes to take the donut plate downstairs, she realised Alya had only bitten once into hers.

Who wouldn't like my mama's home baked donuts? Maybe she ate at home and didn't want to be rude.

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