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Yerin finally arrived at an old abandoned building where she was asked to go to the third floor using the stairs. She could be lying if she said that she's not scared, but the urge to save Eunha is beyond than that. With extra careful she behaves, Yerin climbed the stairs while looking around for possible whereabouts of Eunha. But all she saw were broken glasses, rotten wooden plank, rusty metals scattering here and there with various wild painting on the wall.

With no sign of the man, Yerin went to the middle of the third floor which turns out to be like a hall and stand there.

"I'm here. Where are you?!" Yerin yelled, and her voice echoed in the empty hall. Suddenly, a big hand snake around her neck and it choked her slightly. Her mouth now forcefully being covered by a piece of cloth with a smell of chloroform began filling her nose. Yerin gather her courage and hardly elbowed the attacker to the chest. Although she missed the spot of the sternum of the attacker, she still managed to escape herself from the hand of the man. Unfortunately, the strong chloroform gave it affect sooner that she thought that she began to feel dizzy and her view got blurry.

She quickly aimed to go for the stairs but she can feel that her steps are not straight. While struggling to get to the stairs, the man strike an attack again, trying to put the chloroform soaked piece of cloth over her nose. Yerin went to elbowed him again but this time the man can read her attack. Almost feeling helpless, Yerin tried to pull the head of the man but he was way too high for her to reach. The only choice she has now is to step on the man's foot hard. Which she did.

However, the table has turns. As the man flinched in pain, he accidently pushed Yerin to the front. Causing her to lost her balance and fall on the stairs. Yerin's head hit hard against the wall which makes her screamed in pain. Yerin could hardly open her eyes since the pain in her head and the effect of the chloroform now are controlling her body. Her eyes began to get more blurry. The last thing she remember was the man is coming to her. After that, all went black.

"Yerin-unnie. Yerin-unnie." A soft voice can be heard. She can feel her body being pushed to the side slightly, maybe to help her gather her consciousness. Although she still feel quite dizzy, she force herself to open her eyes.

"Yerin-unnie, are you okay? Did he hurt you somewhere l?" Eunha's face came to her views. There she saw bruises on her cheeks, like she had been slapped or punch in the face or maybe being smacked to the wall since the cut on her cheeks might be a result from being in contact with the rough wall by force.

"Eunha-yah." Like a shot of adrenaline in her veins, Yerin turned to look at Eunha and want to carress her cheek but soon she realizes that her hands were also being tied back.

"Are you okay?" Yerin asked very panic. "It's Junghyung's right? He's the one who kidnap you. He's the same one who attacked us on that day. He-..." Before Yerin could finish her sentence, a hoarse voice echoed the room.

"Yeah yeah yes, that's correct. It's all me. How does it feel to finally see the one who you've been looking for?" The man with the masked on slowly pulled his mask down, revealing her entire face to Yerin and Eunha.

"Sir Junghyung! It's me who you want. Why would you involve Yerin-unnie too?! She has nothing to do with our situation. Please let her go! Leave her alone! If you're mad, just hurt me. Hurt me until you satisfied! Pl-" . In a second, a rough hand land hardly on Eunha's cheek, this has caused her to fall to the side.

"You talk too much. My ears are hurting hearing all your begging. Believe me, it's useless." Junghyung said and smirked.

"EUNHA!" Yerin screamed as she saw the corner of Eunha's lips began to bleed. "You're heartless man! Her mother now is in the jail! What else are you not satisfied about?! How far do you want to make her suffers?!!" Yerin yelled as she's getting mad. She still didn't bother asking why she's brought there.

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