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The silent dinner between her mother and her make Yerin tend to remember back her conversation with Taehyung few days ago. Being called as selfish by Taehyung even after had been informed by what had happened to Eunha when she was gone somehow hurts her. She and Taehyung went on a cold war since on that day. Taehyung would just take a glance of her and continue his work at the cafe, in simple word, he is ignoring her. She knew she broke the promise. She disappear when Eunha needs her the most. But what can she do? She herself was drowning in her own problems. Is it wrong to be a little bit selfish?

But she can't help for not feeling guilty towards Eunha though. Knowing that Eunha had fought with death not to pick her up after being violently bullied by Jennie somehow sparks worriedness in her. Luckily Taehyung was there to save her. If not, Yerin believe that she will live in an unpeaceful life forever.

"Mother, do you think i should meet Eunha again?" Yerin asked her mother's opinion, not knowing what to decide after fighting against herself. Hearing that, it somehow kind of remind her mother about something as her mother looks shock and almost chocked on her drink.

"Yerin, my daughter. I have something to tell you about that girl. I can't believe i almost forgot about that." Mrs.Chaewon said as she tried to calm down. Yerin frowned, feeling confused and worried as well. Is something bad happened to her again?

"The other day i saw her hand being bandaged and when i ask the Maid Choi, she told me that she was attacked by a thug. But i heard that it was her own father, i can't be sure. And few days ago, there is this one guy moved to the house. I can see that he really hates Eunha. He always said mean things to Eunha. The day after tomorrow, Mrs. Jeon will have to go outstation and i'm really worried about Eunha. Usually, it would be Mrs.Jeon that will save her, i couldn't imagine what will happen to her when Mrs.Jeon is gone." Mrs.Chaewon said in her serious voice.

"Mrs-Mrs.Jeon?" that word really caught Yerin's attention. "Y-You work for Mrs.Jeon? The lawyer Yoon Sehye?" Yerin asked for confirmation. If it's true, then is Eunha live together with Jungkook? How can that be? Taehyung told her that Eunha's mother was charged for a murder of Mr.Jeon JungSuk, Jungkook's Dad. And now Eunha is living with Jungkook?

"Yup. Oh i forgot that i haven't told you. Why?" This time Mrs.Chaewon felt curious.

"N-Nothing." Yerin said, swallowing her seaweed soup, trying to make things in her mind logic. It is no wonder people in the house will treat Eunha badly, they'll hate her for being a daughter of a murderer who killed their Dad. "B-But who is this guy? Who you said just moved in?"

"I was told that he is Jungkook's brother. After their Dad died and Mrs.Jeon brought Eunha to live with them, he went mad and went out from the house. Now he returned saying that he regret for leaving the house. He said he miss his family. Well, let's hope that's true. Mrs.Choi told me that Jungkook's brother rarely talk to Mrs.Jeon and Jungkook, he was closer to his Dad than anybody else." Her mother said while bringing the dishes to the sink.

"And what are the mean things that you said he did to Eunha?" Yerin asked, wanting to know more.


It has been a week Mrs.Jeon had gone for an outstation work which means also a week Jungkook's brother is home. When Mrs.Jeon planning to leave, he came all of sudden, telling Jungkook that he miss home. But Eunha could not see any sign of feeling happy at Jungkook's face when he met his brother. These makes things more awkward.

One thing for sure that Eunha could tell is that Jungkook's brother hate her even more. Jungkook had went silent since the day she wounded her hand but his way of treating her somehow felt different now. She feels like Jungkook has been gentle to her now, not as cold as before. Thinking that things can get better now, her thought went south when Jungkook's brother return and tried to heat things back up.

Eunha was heading to the kitchen, her thirsty throat want some warm water. She stops on her way as she saw Jungkook's brother was there. But she's too late to back off as he already saw her coming. Trying her best to ignore and avoid any problem, Eunha walked straight to the water dispenser. She could feel that Jungkook's brother is staring at her nonstop.

"Enjoy staying here while you still have time. I will make you leave anytime soon." Junghyung said while stirring his hot coffee. Eunha chose to ignore, she heard that a lot of time since the first day Junghyung step in the house.

"Look at me while i'm talking to you. Don't your mother teach you some manners? Oh i forgot, your mother is crazy! Or to be precise, a MURDERER!" Junghyung said in his mocking voice. Eunha's heart felt like it was being stabbed one more time. Eunha wanted to leave very bad, so she quicken her steps. Suddenly, someone grabbed her wrist and snapped it hard when she was turned to face Junghyung.

"And believe me, seeing your face, your filthy feets in my house makes me want to torture you even more. You don't want me to make you leave, don't you? Leave the house immediately and never contacts my Mom when i'm being nice to you." Junghyung sounds threatening with his red fiery eyes.

Eunha didn't know how to respond. To be honest, she really does wanna leave the house but the deal she makes with Mrs.Jeon prevents her to do so. She also want to contribute in clearing her mother's name. So she can't just leave.

"Being nice you said? Calling me things, hurting me physically are what you defined as being nice?" Eunha being sarcastic, only to make Junghyung even angrier. "I will leave. But only when your Mom told me to. I will only obey her. And about being nice? I don't think you're being nice to me at all. You attack me verbally! And i don't deserve any of your insults. Wait till i'll prove to you that my mother is innocent. I believe my mother is innocent!" Eunha said trying to be as firm as she can. But her firmness faded away when Junghyung grabber her collar hard. It looks like Junghyung had gone for the next level when he's being violent physically.

"Now you're being cocky, aren't you? Just because you have Mom's defend. You mother is innocent? What an awful joke. She kept repeating the same thing over and over again, admitting she killed my Dad just in front of me. but then she claimed that she's crazy to run from the punishment." Junghyung said attacking her with his fiery eyes. "Trust me you'll regret for what you had said to me. Remember this words, if your mother can't pay, then you'll pay for this! Your mother is innocent you said? You haven't met and asked your mother yourself, didn't you?" Junghyung snapped of Eunha's collar hard and let out a deep breath.

Terrified, Eunha quickly ran out from the kitchen with the glass of water in her hand, which she not realised she' carrying it and looks behind her for a number of times, worried if Junghyung was following her. After she was sure that Junghyung was not behind her, she planned to go to the green house at the back yard. Seeing something green can help calming her heart. She want to cry very much but she tried to hold it. Trying not to be so weak.

As she was walking down the stairs made up from arrangement of stones to the green house, she feel a sudden force pushing her from behind, making her lost her balanced and fall off from the stairs. The glass in her hand loosen up from her grip and fall to the stairs, broken into pieces. Unfortunately, she also fell onto the glass and wounded her palm and arm.

When she arrived at the end of the stairs, she look up the stairs to see who was involved but her eyes is too blurry. All she can be sure is that it's a man. Not long after that, she sees only black.


Maid Chaewon was cleaning Mrs.Jeon's balcony and head to the veranda to water the plants there and to sweep the floor. Maid Chaewon was so amazed by the view over the veranda. Mrs.Jeon is really a fan of flowers and greens. As she was amazed by the view, she saw Eunha walked out from the house and it looks like she is heading to the green house.

As Eunha was getting deeper into the garden, Maid Chaewon couldn't see her anymore. But she did saw Eunha was just about to walk down the stairs when suddenly she saw a pair of hands pushing Eunha from behind. Sadly she didn't see the person's face, covered by bushes.

Maid Chaewon went panic and rushed to Jungkook's room. She knocked numerous times and called for Jungkook.

"Mr.Jungkook, Mr.Jungkook!" Maid Chaewon called for him. Finally Jungkook came out from his room with his confused look in his face.

"What's wrong Maid Chaewon?" Jungkook asked.

"Miss Eunha! Miss Eunha is in danger! She fell of the stairs at the green house!" Maid Chaewon cried.

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