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3 days after Mrs.Chaewon funeral, Yerin went to the hospital where her mother work to gather some of her mother's stuff left there. She got herself accompanied by Taehyung and Eunha who insisted on going with her. They were worried that Yerin might collapsed again. Losing her appetite makes her sugar level extremely low, therefore she could collapsed anytime. Eunha has asked Mrs.Jeon permission to stay at Yerin's house for a while to take care of her and Mrs.Jeon agreed.

"Good afternoon miss, i'm Mrs.Chaewon's daughter and i'm here to collect my mother's stuff. May i know where can i get them?" Yerin asked over the counter and the nurse behind the counter looks surprise.

"Ouh, condolences Miss. It's really shock all of us that she involved in a hit and run accident. Whoever did this is very inhuman and we hope he or she will get caught by hook or by crook. Mrs.Chaewon was a really nice friend we ever have." The nurse said and caress Yerin's hand. Yerin just replied with a smile and nod slightly.

"Ouh yah they keys!" The nurse suddenly reminded of something and went to the keys box. Other nurses at the counter also start to approach Yerin and send their condolences.

"Looks like Mrs.Chaewon is well known by the workers here. I must say that she's a very wonderful woman i've ever met too." Eunha said after the nurses settled giving their condolences. Yerin smiled and replied. "She is wonderful, Eunha. And forever she will."

"It's all my fault. Only if i didn't get attached too much with her, only if i didn't make her worry bout me till that much, your mother would still be here with you. I'm really sorry, Yerin-unnie." Eunha said, suddenly feeling extremely regret after what had happened.

"Eunha, stop it. You didn't ask for my mother to be care for you. Besides, you do not even know that she is my mother in the first place. So, please stop blaming yourself. Maybe it's a punishment for me for leaving you during your hard times before. I leave you without any message and let you suffer alone, even though i promised you i would be there for you during up and downs. Maybe this is what i should pay after i broke my promise." Yerin said and Eunha shook her head numerous of times.

"No no no, please don't talk like that. I don't like it. I'm already grateful that we can meet again. You and Taehyung means a lot for me. But sadly we met, in this kind of tragic situation." Eunha said and look onto the floor.

"Aigoo these two. You guys are so sweet and..and way too emotional, i guess?" Taehyung said suddenly pushed himself in the middle of Eunha and Yerin, interrupting their conversation. "I'm grateful enough that we finally met again. From now on let's promise we'll never leave each other again and of course help each other." Taehyung said and showed his pinky fingers, waiting for them to link their fingers together, the official hand sign for promise.

Yerin and Eunha smiled at Taehyung and link their fingers together.

"Yess, that's my girls. I'll be at the cafe. Boss is calling. Gotta go!" Taehyung said and leave them. "Make sure to come eat lunch with me!" Taehyung turn around and walk backwards just to tell them to eat with him. Yerin and Eunha both almost simultaneously give Taehyung a nod.

"I think Taehyung like you, Yerin-unnie." Eunha said, making Yerin uknowingly blushing with her words. "What? That's nonsense. We just met after a year losing contact. How can he likes me?" Yerin hushed Eunha.

"I can't help but to said so. When you suddenly disappear during the high school, he's been looking for you like crazy. And the day when you collapsed, i can see that he is very worried about you. His eyes almost shed tears. That's why i can't help but to said so." Eunha said, feeling excited. "Moreover, i think you two can be a cute couple. You guys suits together." As the result, Eunha got pinched hard by Yerin, making her flinched in pain but the two end up laughing together.

"So here is the key and you may follow the sign to the staffs' dorm. It's just at the same level here. Take this hall , walk straight and take the left. You'll see the sign." The nurse said, very friendly. Yerin and Eunha thanked the nurse and walk to the direction as directed.

It took them only 5 minutes to get there. Yerin used the key to open the locker of her mother, only to see a uniform and few other essentials. Looking at them make Yerin missed her mother, how her mother looks like when wearing the uniform and everything she does. Yerin couldn't help but to hug the uniform, imagining that she's hugging her mother again. Eunha just look at Yerin and smiled, understand what she's facing now.

After Yerin settled calming down herself and pack up all the things in the box which they brought with them, the two walk back to the counter to send the keys back. Yerin and Eunha then decided to go to the cafe as they promised Taehyung to eat lunch together. Taehyung saw them coming and signal them to take a seat first since he got something else to do for a while. The two walk to the first empty table they could see.

Being silence without having a conversation since Yerin was busy checking if she already pick up all the things from the locker, it made them can hear what the table besides them are talking about.

"Yah, do you know what happened to the caregiver Chaewon? I heard that she involved in a hit and run accident. Poor her, she's the most lovely person i've ever met." The female nurse said, while playing her food.

"I heard it too. In fact, i already began missing her. She's the one who would always offered me food if i miss my dinner. How could i forget her." The male nurse replied.

"The vibe here now seems so sad and gloomy, don't you realize? Everyone is so sad hearing about the caregiver Chaewon. What would i say to the patients now, they must be missing her too. She's very close to few patients here. Her absence would really affect them." The female nurse said, began worrying.

"I must agree with that. Especially about the patient Mr.Goo. He would only talk openly to Mrs.Chaewon. Not anyone else. I wonder how this news would affect him. Should we keep this as secret from him?" The male nurse suggessted.

"You mean Mr.Goo, the veteran soldier? Ouh yes, I remember. Only Mrs.Chaewon could have conversation with him. Besides, she's great with the sign languages. Mr.Goo would speak numbers of sign languages to speak which sadly only Mrs.Chaewon could understand. I only know a few but Mrs.Chaewon nailed it!" The female nurse said, sounds excited. "That's her charms, don't you think?"

"Yeah, she always got a lot of charms. But from what i know so far, Mr.Goo mainly use Morse Code. Maybe you should start studying about it." The male nurse said receiving glare from the female nurse but he simply sipped his drink before he looks to his side and saw Yerin. "Isn't she Mrs.Chaewon's daughter?"

The female nurse looked to the direction he mentioned and saw Yerin. The girl nurse quickly stood up and went to Yerin, to give her condolences.

"Mrs.Chaewon was really a wonderful woman Miss.Jung." The girl nurse said, in puppy eyes.

"I know. Thank you. Actually i unintentionally eavesdropped you guys' conversation just now about Mr.Goo. I think, it's better to tell him the truth, i'm afraid he will keep waiting and waiting for mother to comeback if you lied to him. Sometimes truth can hurt but being comforted by lies is more painful. " Yerin advised, looking at the two. "I didn't mean to offend you guys, sorry for my words." Eunha on the other hand nodded few times, agreeing with Yerin.

"No no no, what you said is extremely correct. We shouldn't lied to him, it could be worse if he knew we lied. It's actually concerns us a lot since only the late- Mrs.Chaewon could comfort him. We just didn't know what to do if he starts to rage or something." The girl nurse said, voicing her concern.

"If you don't mind, can i go to meet Mr.Goo? Maybe i can help?" Yerin offered.

"That would be wonderful. Maybe you can help him because i can't help but to notice that you have your mother's eyes." The girl nurse said, slightly cupping Yerin's face.

"And i think you forgot about something." The male nurse suddenly interrupt them, making all attention went to him. "Mr.Goo is also deaf. That's why he's using sign languages. Not just because he's still thinking he's in a secret mission for war."

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