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The name, Jeon JungHyung bothered her mind a lot. Not wanting to forget the name, she wrote it down in her diary. Not knowing why, she felt like she needs to figure out more about this man. JungHyung could be the man who she saw during the accident that killed her brother. She is positive that the man that was struggling to came out from the car is her brother, she still remember and recognise the voice. The questions are, why she can look at the scene from a far? Was she being away that far because she was thrown out of the car? And who is the man who refused to help her brother? What she thought might be true, that her accident is actually planned by someone.

Therefore, she needs to figure out about anybody she felt curious with. And the fact that JungHyun is jealous of her brother could make her assumptions true. That JungHyun was there during the night.

"What are you thinking of? Found something today?" Taehyung asked, looking at Yerin leave her food untouch.

"Yes, i guess." Yerin said, short. " I found my brother's work place today and talk to one of his friend."

"You did? So you really remember all about your brother?" Taehyung asked, feeling shock in amazement on how fast Yerin could remember.

"Sort of, but still not enough. I jot down everything i remember in my diary. So far, i can only remember a bit few of everything. About my father left me and my mother because he thought i'm the reason why my brother died, about how i fail to protect Eunha as i promised. And things got me confused here. Did i never showed up at school after the accident? I moved to my mother's hometown right away?" Yerin gave her frustrated eye to Taehyung, begging Taehyung to clear things she confused.

"Okay i'll help you from here. After the terrible day where Eunha got bullied, you and Haein-hyung got into accident. Neither of you showed up at school. Eunha got admitted to hospital and she quit school. After that, she cuts contact from everyone. I did went to Haein-funeral, on that day your father want you to get out of the house. And i'm sure you already heard the rest of the story from Yuju." Taehyung explained.

"After graduated at my mother's hometown, i went back here with my mother. But my mother ended up died here too. I wish i can remember how my mother died here now." Yerin said, ruffling her hairs, desperately wanting to remember it.

"Can't you help me Taehyung-ah. You must be there with me right?" Yerin beg.

"Even though i was there, i will not tell you everything. Plus, i don't really remember everything tho. My memories sort of like fading away. But of course i'll help you when you need me the most. Don't worry." Taehyung's words make Yerin went confused. Thinking that Taehyung sometimes can be freakingly weird.

Suddenly, the bell of the convenience store rang, as a sign that a new customer came. Don't really know why, Yerin became interested on the woman who just entered the store. But sadly, she only can see the back of the woman.

As the girl walked out of the store, Yerin quickly walked to the girl, leaving Taehyung confused. Taehyung was left with no choice but to ran after Yerin.

"Excuse me,miss." Yerin succeed in chasing after the girl and make the girl facing her. "You're Dawon,right?" Yerin asked. "Eunha's classmate." Yerin recognise her from the picture she saw in the yearbook at 1997 students.

The girl look confused but after examining Yerin's face clearly, the girl looks shock and even covered her mouth.

"Is it you Yerin-sunbae?" Dawon said. Yerin replied with a nod. Yerin then asked Dawon to sit with her back at the convenience store. Taehyung who has just arrived at the two, hardly catch his breath, but Yerin and Dawon head back to the convenience store.

"Are you guys serious?" Taehyung said, feeling tired and furious. He catch his breath and continue walking behind the two.


"Do you know where is Eunha now?" Yerin asked, starting the conversation.

"I'm sorry but i also don't know." Dawon said. "Truthfully speaking, after the day where Eunha was badly bullied, she never came to school anymore. My friends and i did went to Eunha's house to seek forgiveness from her, but her house was quiet, like there was no one at home. On the horrible day, Jennie suddenly put us, 1997 students in another hall except Minnie,Jiho and her gangs were asked to join her at the basketball court. After we knew that Eunha was badly bullied, we were all felt guilty towards Eunha. We never get the chance to apologize to Eunha after what we had done to her. We always close our eyes when Jennie and Minnie do bad things to her. " Dawon stopped and sip her drink for a while.

"We never saw her anymore. Some says she moved, some says her mother went to jail because of murder and Eunha was sent to orphanage. But some says they saw Eunha at Incheon, but wasn't sure her exact current location. I'm afraid that's all i know,Yerin-sunbae." Dawon said everything she knew.

After calming down the conversation a little bit with a little girls chit-chat, Dawon excused herself to go home. Yerin on the other hand feeling helpless.

"Where are you Eunha-ya. What had happened to you? I hope i can meet you so that i can explain everything to you. Are you doing fine on your own out there Eunha-ya.." Yerin monologue to herself. Taehyung just watched Yerin went deeply in her thought.


Today is the last day Yerin will be in Incheon. So far, she couldn't find anything else about her past. Her hope to find Eunha slowly began to fade away. It is impossible to find Eunha in the big city. Besides, she also don't know who else she can refer to, to find out about Eunha. Jungkook? Yes his name do come in her mind but she didn't know much about him. She wanted to ask Taehyung about it, but decided to shrugged it off

Her spirit somehow went down. Yerin began to accept the fact that she might need to move on with her life without finding the missing puzzles in her life.

On her last day here, she decided to visit her mother's grave, which Taehyung already told her the location. She stops by a flower shop to buy some flowers.

"Welcome miss. What can i help you?" The florist in charge of taking care the counter asked Yerin very friendly.

"Can i get a bouquet of white lilies, please?" Yerin said.

"Ouh, you're so lucky miss. We just ordered new freshly grown lilies and it arrives this morning. Want to see them and chose the lilies according to your likes?" The girl asked.

"Sure."Yerin answered, somehow interested to see the newly arrived lilies.

"Wait here miss, i will call the florist in charge of the Lilies." The girl went to the back of the store, leaving Yerin to wait for a while.

"Here is she miss. She will lead you to our lilies collection."

Yerin who was immersed in the beauty of the flowers there moved her eye sight to the girl. The two girls' eyes met.

"EUNHA!" Yerin said, slightly loud.

"Y-Yerin unnie?" Eunha said.

Both freeze.

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