Chapter 12 - The Farm

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It’s my favourite part of day, the sun is about to rise, there are yellow, orange and red streaks across the sky. I’m walking though the fields of The Farm and can’t help but admire the view. I trudge further, pushing myself despite the burn in my legs, the sting in my throat.

I stop for breath at a tree, I must be close now. I can’t help but feel awe at the sun, in all it’s magnificent glory moving ever higher into the sky, lighting up the world. It’s times like this that I think of God, of what He has created. It’s times like this where I see His work all over.

A big bang could not have created such perfection.

Snapping out of my reverie, I remember what I’m here for and begin the walk down the steep slope. Using my arms as balance to keep me from falling flat on my face, I commit the sunrise to memory. You never know when you’ll need beautiful memories to help you through bad times.

Here, in the middle of nowhere Scotland, buried deep in hills and grassy expanses. Who wasn’t looking couldn't find it.

Was The Farm.

And I was within a five minute walk away. I wonder if I get to see Poppy and Amy? I grin at the prospect, it has only been a few weeks but I miss those girls something fierce. I think I’ll just avoid Caspian at all costs.

Despite having little sleep and being on the brink of exhaustion, I skip the whole way there, it was in my sights now. Exactly how I remembered it, beautifully picturesque, two floors encased in stone walls, small windows and ivy vines drawn all over. Three barns behind the farmhouse which housed horses, farming equipment and the children staying at the farm.

I knock on the door, it’s instantly opened by Poppy. As I’m about to launch into an excited triage of how awesome it is to see them, she says peevishly: “It took you long enough.”

Please God, no more moody teenagers.

It seems that this prayer didn't reach Heaven beacuse, as soon as I step into the living room I see  Amelia scowling in my direction. What have I done wrong now?

I was starving so raided the kitchen and began making breakfast. I have no idea how long we have until the mission starts and I’ll have to start living off rations so I’m going to make good use of proper food, while I can. 

Moments later, I have a stack load of pancakes in front of me, I chop up some fruit and look for honey. I pile my plate high and begin eating, I hear footsteps coming down the stairs too heavy to be Poppy and Ameilia’s.

Oh, crap.

It’s Caspian.

Yay. Now I have three pissed off teenagers to deal with.

Joy of joys.

A voice, which thankfully isn’t Caspian’s says: “You made pancakes? Sweet.” I look up to the voice and see a blond 6’ something guy, I’ve never seen before. Mentally for some reason beyond my comprehension – let’s say exhaustion and limited cognitive functions I’m comparing him to Caspian’s height. I’d say they were the same–ish.

He turns to face me with a plate, I gesture to help himself and he takes most of the stack.

“Who are you?’

“James,” he gives me a smile that would probably make girls swoon, “and you?”

“Ez,” I stare at him like he’s grown another head, he’s still smiling. It’s starting to get creepy, I think he’s waiting for me to swoon.

“Why are you smiling like that? It’s weird.” Seriously, smiles do not last this long.

He chokes on his pancakes.

I smother a laugh and hand him some milk, “are you okay?”

“Er, yeah. Were you not affected by that smile. At all?”

“Affected?” What is this boy talking about? “Why would I be affected?” I ask, completely confused.

“Usually, girls have fallen for me by now.” He mutters.

I can’t help it, I laugh. I’ve hurt his ego!This is hilarious.

“I’m not interested.” I state, shrugging. “And anyway, I wouldn’t recognise flirting even if it danced naked in front of my face.”

“You want me to dance naked?” He smirks, raising his eyebrows.

“No.” I shout, jumping half a mile away from him.

“You’re such an innocent, it’s adorable.” He ruffles my hair, with his ridiculously long arms and ridiculously big hands.

“Ez, can you quit messing around? We’ve already behind schedule because of you.” Amy says with the exact condescending toneusualy reserved for a two year olds.

“I just got here!”

“Exactly! You were supposed to be here yesterday night. But no you were off-“

“On my mission! Which is exactly where I was supposed to be. Is it such a crime to be doing what I was supposed to be doing?” I interrupt her, getting more and more confused about everything. “And anyway,” I continue, refusing to be blamed for something I’m pretty sure I didn’t do, “Amelia. What did I do that was so wrong?”

“You should know!”

“How? Because I’ve discovered I’m from a witch coven and my secret power is telepathy?” I scoff, this is getting more and more ridiculous.

“You were flirting with some guy, and you kn-“

“I was what?” My voice rises several octaves. I think I’m just going to stop interacting with people if these are the accusations I’m going to be getting. Has the definition of flirting changed while I’ve been away?

Does it now mean, talking to any guy in whatever innocent situations you may be in?

“No,” James says, shaking his head, “it hasn’t changed to that. It hasn’t changed at all, actually.”

Oh, God. I said that all out loud. His smile deepens.

That too it seems.

“Come on innocent,” I scowl at my nickname, “eat up. We have an exercise to complete.”


We jump out of a low flying helicopter deep within the Scotland Highlands. Having only yanked off our blindfolds moments ago we take a moment to survey our surroundings.

Poppy and Amelia had been had been dropped off a while back, I didn’t actually manage to resolve anything with them, despite my efforts to tell them I was flirting with anyone. It stung a little, that the people who I thought knew me so well were willing to jump to conclusions.

We had spent three years with each other – if you don’t know someone within that time, how long does it take for you to get to know them?

Enough of that now, I push those thoughts to the back of my mind. I only have one agenda now, getting out of here. Each pair has a separate route to follow, this training exercise was nothing elaborate, just a quick refresher of survival techniques.

“Do you have the map?” I ask James, wanting to immerse myself in training rather than dwell on my problems.

“No. You’re supposed to have it.”

“I didn’t get it in my kit, I didn’t get gauze or antiseptic either but I bought that. I’ve bought my holdall along with me, minus a few things so I have basic first aid.

The choppers flown away by now, there was no turning back. We were lost in the middle of nowhere Scotland with no idea where we were or how to get back.


It's shorter becuase I wanted to be evil and give you a cliffhanger :D

[apologies if there are any mistakes, this is unedited.]

And to thank you for getting me to 3,000+ reads :D

You guys are so awesome <3

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