Chapter 16- Cattle

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Frustration: 1- The feeling of being upset or annoyed, esp. because of inability to change or achieve something. 2- An event or circumstance that causes one to have such a feeling.

Did I really know that by heart? Why, yes. Yes I did. For reasons I’m not willing to disclose to you right at this moment in time.  I stare at the documents in front of me, familiar yet confusing at the same time.

How frustrating.

I’ve triple read through all of this and yet, for some reason I can’t make sense of it all. The envelope I had was the contents of Ralphs laptop which I had gained access to the night I stayed over. Well, I can’t take the credit, my phone did all the work.

On the whole it was quite boring, business stuff, spread sheets and the like, but his internet history and a few encrypted documents? They told a whole different story.

Most people fail to realise how important their internet history is, you could find out so much about a person just looking through it. That’s excluding social network sites of course, the wealth of information people post on the internet is amazing. None of the Pasqualis were on social network sites though, interestingly enough.

Which was odd in itself. The oddest thing however was the mention of the Estaire Estate. There was no location, no size, no description and Ralph wasn’t even the owner.  I’ve got one of the tech guys to look into it for me. Of course, normally I would have to do my own research but the perks of being ill and leaving tomorrow are having someone else do it for you.

I sigh, putting the documents away and lay in bed. Thankfully I got to spend my last night here in my own room. The estate and various other oddities about the Pasqualis was annoying me, I don’t like it when I can’t figure things out.

Another thing that was annoying me?

My brother, Nick was for some reason beyond my comprehension choosing to spend his last few days here in stuffy boardrooms ‘sorting stuff out’. Which was ‘on a need to know basis.’ 

My body was exhausted but my brain refused to shut down, I forced myself to stop over thinking everything and just relax.

It took me a while but eventually I switched my brain off enough and drifted off to sleep.


I was nervous.

I’ve been told we have five minutes before the train arrives at the station, I wasn’t sure what to expect. Do you have any idea how weird it is meeting someone you’ve already met before but not remembering them? Weird doesn’t even cover it.

Drake was meeting me at the station to help me find my way back, I’ve no idea why  but I’m pretty sure I would have remembered the way once I saw the place. Exiting the station, I pulled Nick’s leather jacket tighter around me to brace myself against the cool air. I looked around for signs of this Drake but noticed a tall blonde guy waiting anxiously across the street. Could this be him?

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