Chapter 2 - I make friends with a whiteboard

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I awake to the steady beeping of machinery and two people having an argument in hushed voices. As I begin to stir, they stop and stare intently. To my relief, I find myself in one of the hospital rooms. Great. Just what I need. Well, at least I’m not in some wet patch of grass, smeared in copious amounts of mud with some family of insects looking to move into my hair.

Slowly, I sit up, careful not to make any sudden head movements. Past experience has taught me, that the last thing I should be expecting is to be feeling good, when I’ve purposefully made myself pass out. I fix my eyes on the others in the room, Max and Caspian? Max, my handler was awesome, so his presence didn’t bother me but Caspian? I don’t even know the guy. What the hell is he doing here?

‘Esmie, how are you feeling?’  Max says, softly.

‘Peachy.’ I mumble.

‘It’s not been six months yet. You know what this means.’

‘Max,’ I moan, ‘Please. It was just once. You can’t do this to me.’

‘Look at you! You don’t let us help you and you run yourself into exhaustion! Do you think that’s healthy? Do you know what you’re doing to yourself? You’ve been asleep for two days! Esmeralda, this cannot go on.’ Now, I’m in for it. If it wasn’t for the fact that he’s almost shouting, he actually called me by my full name. There is no longer any hope.

‘But,’ I begin to protest.

‘It was the deal.’ He says curtly. Clearly still angry.

‘I can’t stay locked up! It’s like a prison, I’ll do anything. I swear, send me on surveillance or recruiting and I won’t even complain.’ I can’t help it, I’m begging to be let out on a mission after six months. Damn nightmares.

I can see him relenting, slowly as he nods, ‘We might have some surveillance,’ he mutters. This was too easy, I know Max, he’s as stubborn as I am, but because he’s older he usually wins. Not looking a gift horse in the mouth I’m going to enjoy this. Surveillance and recruiting missions were the most boring, requiring little to no effort other then babysitting someone. Yes, I am that desperate to do something. To get out of here. I’ve already had enough time to dwell on my past. Anymore, would just be cruel.

‘Thank you,’ I flash him one of biggest smiles my head pounding with the effort. 

‘I believe Caspian has something to say to you,’ Max says while staring at Caspian. 

‘You’ve been enrolled into the spring play, congratulations. You’re lead.’

‘What? I didn’t even audition!’ I should have known Max would never have allowed me out just because I’d asked, the surveillance thing was just to placate me. You see, it’s either participating in a play or going on a mission you can’t do both at the same time. And we have a play for every season. The teenagers in this school do actually have talent, and can very easily become famous after retiring (at the age of 18 – or for some even earlier), or become singers, musicians, or whatever other career path they choose. The plays are there, not only for entertainment purposes but also because this Academy exists, in name. It has the same reputation as Julliard, only it is even more prestigious as no one knows how you apply or where the actual building is. Thus, when someone has ‘Twinsbough Talent Academy’ on CV people expect a certain standard – which the plays are here to ensure they exist.

He smirks, ‘Miss Robinson chose you.’

With that they turn to leave. ‘Wait,’ I call as they open the door, ‘what about my pass Caspian?’ Two can play dirty, you idiot.

‘Pass?’ Max asked, confused. Just as Caspian narrows his eyes, slightly, planning exactly how he’s going to get revenge.

Reluctantly he hands mine over, but I give don’t give his back. I don’t even know where it is right about now. Still, I have no intention of handing it over whenever I do find it.

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