Chapter 14 - On the road to self discovery...

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Darn it can somebody turn this damn alarm clock off? I’m trying to get some sleep ‘round here.  



Ugh, so nobody decides to listen to me huh? Why, thanks guys. Such awesome people you are. Well, there is also the fact that no one can hear you. ‘Coz ya’ know you’re saying this in your head.  

Today, my stupidity has hit an all time low.  

Speaking, or rather thinking of hit. Why does it feel like my heads been sledge hammered? The pressure on my head and eyes is so heavy and the temptation to slip into unconsciousness again is … so … strong…  

Hello, sleep. I’ve missed you.  

I feel really trippy, I don’t think I’ve ever imagined sleep as a person before. Sleep come gimmie a hug.  It obliges, I fall into its embrace with the grace of an elephant but it catches me – sleeps just awesome like that.  It surrounds me and coos soothing words to me like a mother does her child…  

Wait. What’s that?  

Is someone calling my name?  

“Ez?” A distant call, echoes through the chambers of my mind, sleep retreats.  No please don’t leave me. I love you.  

“Ez?” The voice is louder, more sharp. Sleep moves out of my grasp into the distance. No. You can’t leave me like this. You said you wouldn’t.  

You said you would stay through thick and thin, well it’s thick now and you’re leaving me! We could have been so good together.  


I open my eyes slowly, my eyes bleary attacked by the incredibly bright light. See? I could be waking up in a mortuary after my post mortem – I could be dead and the angels could be calling my name.  

But this doesn’t feel like death – do you know what death feels like, stupid?  

Something feels all too real about this, the light too bright, the beeping steadily forging on, just shut up will you? I’m awake already.  

“Ez! Thank god! We thought something had happened and you would never wake up!” I can barely comprehend my surroundings let alone identify the speaker of the voice. 

I look up to the speaker, a girl around fifteen years old beautiful blond hair falling to her elbows, big baby blue eyes staring widely at me, in hope and anticipation. Slightly tanned skin gives a her a glow that makes her look like she just got back from a holiday.  She looks familiar, like I know her but I can’t remember anything about her.  

A few more people pile in, another girl with poker straight light brown hair and hazel eyes stares at me the same look in her eye. Another tall guy, sixteen to seventeen year old looks at me jet black hair framing falling over his greeny blue eyes, I wanted to reach out and move the hair away.  

What an odd sensation.  

I stare at them in turn, as they stare at me, expectantly, waiting. A man in his early thirties enters the room with a doctor. Well, at least I can identify what one person was doing here.   

I can deduce from my surroundings that I'm in a hospital, the beeping having being produced by a machine monitoring my stats. How on earth did I get here?  

After my silence extends for a while, everyone exchanges worried looks, however it’s the doctor that speaks : “Esmeralda, how are you feeling dear?”  

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