Chapter 28 - Midnight Missions

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I leaped off the ledge with renewed vigour, hunting for a pair of scissors and a few paperclips. Now that I knew what I was going to do I wasn’t going to waste any more time.

My search for scissors proved fruitless but I did manage to find a torch and a few paperclips, only problem with the torch was it had no batteries.

But before I get too excited I should see if the plan it self was plausible, if I couldn’t get myself down there, there was little point in me planning on how I was going to get into the basement.

Holding the brass rod up to the doorframe I placed it vertically across the width of the doorframe on the other side of the library, that way when pulled the rod should stay in place being held in by the door frame.

It wasn’t the most reliable method but for now it was all I had also I had to figure out a way to ensure that the rod would stay where I want it too. Which right about now was half way through the door.

I don’t suppose Drake has a chisel and some power tools lying around does he?

I thought not, in replacement of this I could use a knife from the kitchen – I’m sure I saw serrated one, of course this would totally ruin the knife but I was past the point of caring about what Drake would think if I ruined his knife.

Plus I think he’d be relieved, it would be one less method I could use to act out any murderous  impulses on.

I begin to half cut, half saw my way through a chunk of the wooden door frame, the aim here wasn’t to cut out a piece it was more to make a two straight lines that once cut out would fit the rod in.  In order to pry out the wood, I used a tin can of something that may have once been edible and a letter opener as my makeshift chiselling instruments. I could have a career in woodwork yet.

After what seemed like ages I managed to coax the wood out, marking the spot  that needed to take out of the other side I wasted no time in getting to work. I know time is more definitely not on my side and I had to be there before midnight in order to utilise my one hour CCTV free slot.

Once that was done I rammed the rod into each side with as much force as I could, wanting it to be as embedded as possible in the wood, sure this made a heck of a lot of noise but it needed to be done.

The knife didn’t look like much of a knife anymore the pressure of being used completely against its nature having taken its toll. I discard it in the kitchen whilst picking up another knife – Drake would be happy.

Now that I’ve placed the bar in the middle of the door, I duck to get into the library and start the next part of building my contraption. I count the sheets – I had three to play around with.

My next step was to cut a small tear into the sheets and create long strips out of them, I cut one to test out my theory. Tying it around the rod I create two knots then tug with as much as might as I could muster.

The rod held in place and the strips that were fast becoming makeshift ropes were perfect I cut the rest of the sheets up and began creating one long rope, originating from the rod.

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