Chapter 3 - Caspian Complications

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Me and my trusty whiteboard have a great time together over the next few days. Regrettably my voice is starting to come back, only slightly though. I’ve not told anyone this.

Miss Robinson is forcibly making me drink several cups of Lemsip. Honestly, she sits me down, hands me a cup and stares at me until I’ve drunk it. I’m not allowed to leave the room. I’m not allowed to move, or stand up. She checks to see if my cup is empty.

It’s insane.

Surely having this many cups of Lemsip is detrimental to your health?

I did try to point this out to her, but all she did was snatch my board away from me and threw it half way across the theatre. She has become a women possessed.

On the third day of her ‘Operation Kill Ez Via Lemsip’ [thank the Lord for alternate lessons], having said that she cornered me at lunch as well as on a few other occasions. When I reluctantly dragged myself into the theatre, I found to my great surprise that Caspian too was there. Could this day get any worse?

Miss R has discovered she’s run out of Lemsip,  so after threatening Caspian into guarding me with his life she leaves. I scribble a quick plea:

Please help me get out of here. I can’t drink anymore of that stuff.

Oddly, he finds this amusing. Sadist. ‘How many have you had?’

I’ve lost count.

‘Really?’ He smirks, disbelieving.

The door of the theatre is slowly, swinging open. What is she doing? Carrying a crate of the stuff?

Please? I give him my best pleading face.


The shock on my face is evident. So much so, I catch a flash of hurt in his eyes.


‘Miss Robinson!’ He calls, ‘You should have a break you’ve been working much too hard lately. Let me take over for today.’

‘Are you sure? You have to make sure she drinks this box.’

‘No problem, Miss.’ He takes the box off her and walks away, while she leaves.

Am I free? I ask when he’s walked back.

‘From her? Yes. From me? No.’

Something tells me things are going to rapidly downhill from here. He takes my hand and leads me out of one of the theatre through one of the side entrances. Like I can’t just follow him.

Instead of taking me outside, he veers left away from the entrance and guides me through a series of short passages which eventually leads into a small box room. He closes the door behind me and flicks a switch.

The flimsy light bulb illuminates the room, showing me a few bean bags, cushions and a mini fridge.

‘Take a seat, do you want anything to drink?’

I sit and shake my head: no.

Where are we?

‘Drop the act Adams, I know you can speak. He says whilst opening a can of Pepsi and sitting opposite me.

I can’t!

‘I know you didn’t want to take part in the play.’

I didn’t. I still can’t speak though!

‘I suppose I have to give you more credit then, you purposefully lost your voice? Clever girl.’

I shrug in reply, not giving anything away.

Back to my original question; Where are we?

‘Under the stage.’

And nobody else knows about this?

‘A select few others, but not everyone here.’

Who else?

‘Now that would be telling.’ He winks. ‘It’s my turn to question you.’


‘Oh. Indeed. Why does Courtney hate you? This is just to fulfil my curiosity.’

I smirk, remembering the incident and reply; When I first came, she wanted me to join her. I didn’t.

He laughs, ‘Makes sense, okay back to business. Where are you from, originally?’


‘Bullshit, that’s just where the agency found you.’

‘ I’m from Rio too. Born and raised.’

‘Where do you originate from?’

That question, I don’t actually know so I just shrug. Ever since I remember I’ve been in Rio de Janeiro, so I’m just going to assume I’m from there too. But, more importantly why does he even care for?

‘Fine, play that game.’

I don’t know though. Why is it so important?’

‘I believe you.’ He says, the sarcasm in his voice increasing tenfold, whilst ignoring my question.


This is getting too personal now. I barely know the guy and he wants to know my life story? I don’t just give it away you know. My family, is my business. Not some random idiot who even though he may be saving me. I do not just tell random people about me.


‘What’s the point in asking you questions if you’re not going to answer them?’ He asks, exasperated.

Who told you to ask?

‘Let’s just leave, okay?’

Fine by me.

We leave and he somehow managed to hold my hand again. Compared to my hand, his is huge, it engulfs mine and as my hands squirms in an attempt to free myself from him, he uses it as an excuse to intertwine our fingers.

Could this get any worse?

Why, yes Ez. It could.

I take stock of our surroundings and notice that we are indeed outside. But this time, it’s break so we’re not alone.

And everyone is staring.

I try to yank my hand away but he just pulls me closer. Why?

I think the real Caspian has been abducted and this one has just latched onto me as he doesn’t know anyone else around here. That’s the only, logical and plausible explanation I can give for his behaviour.

Courtney saunters up to us and looking into my eyes I can see just how brutally she wants to kill me right about now. She hands something to Caspian and thankfully – this is the only time I will admit and publicly give my thanks to Courtney, he had to use both hands. So when he let go, I ran.

Well, running would be an understatement I walked so fast the Road Runner would have been jealous. I ran straight into the nearest building which is the admin building. I enter, just in case he decides he wants to follow.

‘Esmie, I have some great news. Come into my office.’  


So sorry about the wait, somethimgs came up, hope to start more regular [and faster!] uploads! =] Please comment, I'd love to know what you think of the chapters.  I'm thinking of going for the Watty Awards, do you think I have a shot?

Much love and cookies <3<3

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