Chapter 22- The Overly Eventful Weekend -Part 2

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I was frozen in shock, I had no idea what to say – what do you say when somebody tells you to leave? The move was so uncharacteristically Molly I’m pretty sure my face resembled that of a gaping fish right at this moment in time.

My thought processes were flicking between: Did that just really happen? To: what did she say? To: why would she tell me to leave?


Something was definitely wrong about this situation, I’m the type of person who if you told them not to do something I’d be hell bent on doing it.

The door banging open snapped me out of my shock, there stood Kyle looking at us both as if we’re naughty school children. There was something off about him though. Even though I’ve never really seen him act ‘normal’ but it was a bit on the extreme today.

I couldn’t quite place what it was.

“Hey Ez!” He says, too chipper “I didn’t realise you were in town, I thought you got back later tonight.” With the tone he’s using and that fake, too stretched out smile on his face, he probably meant: What the hell are you doing here?

But, me bring me, refuse to back down, “Yeah, I thought I’d come earlier,” I say with my own fake smile.

I see his expression harden for a moment before he quickly masks it, “I just remembered! Drake asked me to tell you he wanted to meet, in the park.”

“Well,” I counter, “if he wants to come see me he knows where I am.”

“Trouble in paradise?” Kyle asks almost gleefully.

“Paradise?” I ask, just as Molly says, “Was there something you needed Kyle?”

I can’t help but feel when I see the way Kyle looks at Molly, that he’s the big bad wolf and she’s the sacrificial lamb up for slaughter.  I have to quash the overwhelming urge to knock Kyle out and run away with Molly, especially with her words still echoing in my head.

“Can you give us a moment, Ez?” Molly asks, quietly.

“Sure,” I murmur, “I needed to head out anyways.”  Feeling like I was making a huge mistake I grab my jacket and leave the house.

I walk aimlessly around the village, lost in my thoughts trying, in vain to figure out what on earth Molly meant by leaving. For some reason, despite attempting to think of anything else, he words were haunting me.

More then just her words, the question of why, was haunting me more, What could she be possibly hiding, that could be so dangerous?

Suddenly, I felt someone’s eyes on me, looking up I see Drake across the street. Dammit. He’s the last person I want to see.

I turn away and begin walking down the street I cam from, ignoring him calling me. Not wanting to give him the satisfaction of turning around.

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