Chapter 25- Damaged Relationships

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I stood there stock still, frozen by his words. He wanted to kiss me? Had we arrived at that stage of the relationship yet? Because if we have no one told me about it.

Before I could register I felt his lips on mine – so this is kissing. I’ve never been kissed.  I wasn’t sure of what to do and this is totally unexpected, so I just sat there waiting. I didn’t want to attempt to kiss back because I don’t think he needs any further motivation.

Apparently, the fact that I hang out with him and we talk and stuff is signal enough that I must apparently want to kiss him. Why else would his lips be on mine?

I’m not stupid, I’ve read romance novels, I know this isn’t how I’m supposed to be feeling, or even thinking. Aren’t kisses supposed to be amazing things, that ignite fireworks and make your crave more? Aren’t they supposed to mess with your brain process and make you incapable of logical thought with their brilliance?

Admittedly, that last bit doesn’t sound too appealing but hey, I won’t knock until I’ve had one of these ‘earth shattering’ kisses, maybe then I wouldn’t mind not being able to think.

I realise now that Drake’s lips are no longer on mine and that I’ve probably freaked him out, so I snap out of it.

“Ss..sorry, I was just not expecting that.”

“You didn’t even respond,” he says dejected, climbing out the tree house. Oh, that’s right, drag a girl half way across the country, steal her first kiss from her then run away?!

Who does he think he is?

I climb down myself, and call after him, “What did you expect? I’ve never been kissed before! Maybe you’d know that if you’d asked!”

He stops mid stride and I begin to walk away from him, suddenly not wanting to be here anymore. I sick of being blamed for things I haven’t or wouldn’t do, maybe if he’d get to know me we wouldn’t have this.

I think back to all the time we’ve spent together and try to recall whether or not he’s actually asked me about myself, in a bid to get to know me. I come up blank, I don’t know what his problem is but he seems overly fond of assuming things about me.

I’m power walking away and he lets me, giving me the space I need. If I wasn’t on this mission I’d get the hell out of here now I don’t need to be with people who don’t appreciate me.

As I enter the house I see no one around and decide now is as good as time as any to start exploring. I don’t want to risk bumping into anyone so for now I’m staying well away from Kyle and Molly’s wing.

I start from my left, on the bottom floor and begin strolling down random corridors looking for anything suspicious. I open a lot of doors and see many different parlours, I’m not even going to deny that I’m lost.

I begin to loose hope when I’m turning down corridor sixty five which looks exactly the same as all the other corridors I’ve been down.  As I’m about to dismiss it as ‘just another corridor’ I notice that this corridor has four doors on one side which was the most a corridors had.  I’ve noticed this only out of sheer boredom.

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