Chapter 23

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For the second time this weekend I was rendered speechless. I wasn’t entirely sure what to make of his sudden question, I for one wasn’t expecting to be invited this easily.

Of course, this would be the major break through I’ve been looking for. But I couldn’t seem too eager.

“Well that’s random,” I blurt before I can stop myself.

“Yeah, but I just thought we could use the change of scenery… you know? Get to know each other a bit more?”

“It’s a good idea, I’d love to go. I’d just have to ask my dad and make sure he’s okay with it. Where is it?”

“It’s a surprise.” He smirks.

“Well, what am I supposed to tell my dad then?” I counter.

“It’s in Hampshire, called the Esquire Estate,” he concedes, “we’ll be going tomorrow, or is that too late notice?”

“I think she should be okay with it, what about school though? And how long would we be staying there?”  I quiz, musing over what Caspian would say about this.

I don’t think he’d be too happy.

“Not long I don’t think, a few days, I’m sure Dad said we’re coming back on Friday. Don’t worry about school though, my dad will have a word with the principle.”

“Sounds good,” I smile and tuck into our food which Tiffany has just bought over.

The rest of the dinner passed by pleasantly enough, we made small talk and even a few shared a few jokes, Drake walked me home and I promised to text him as soon as I’d rang my ‘dad’.

I got home only to be greeted by silence, I wonder if Molly’s asleep it was too early to go to sleep though. Baffled, I went up to her room and called her name.


Opening the door, just in case she was in, “Molly?” I’m met by more silence,  looking into her room, I see everything the way I’d left it, including the plates.

How odd.

Walking into the room I gather the plates and put them to a side, then I check under the duvet, the bed and in the cupboard. Who knows, she might have fled to Narnia.

Increasingly intrigued I take the plates down and search the rest of the house. Where could she have gone? A text from Drake reminds me I still need to ring Caspian yet.

As the phone rings, I mentally go through all of the arguments he could possibly pose and my answers to them.

“Hello?” He answers, I can hear louds of people talking behind him.

“Hey, Caspian.”

“Ez!” The noise in the background quietness considerably.

“Yeah, well you know Drake? He just asked me to come with them to the Esquire Estate.”

“Yeah, and what did you say?”

“I said I’ll ask my dad.”

He laughs, humourlessly, “and I’m you’re dad now?”

“No. I didn’t know what else to say!”

“It’s cool, I understand. Go, take a spare mobile with you, I expect a text each day at least. I’ll keep radio frequencies open in case you loose signal. How long are they going for?” Wait, is he giving me permission? So easily? Don't say anything Ez, don't you dare jinx this. 

 When did I get so supersitious? 

“Just this week, we should be back on Friday.”

“If I don’t hear you’re back on Friday I’m coming there to get you myself.”

“Okay,” I consent even though I think it’s a bit extreme. I don’t say anything though, this could be what I need in this case and I’ll be damned if I let it go.

“I’ll talk to you later yeah?” I say, not entirely sure what to say next. People should have written a manual for life. Something like 'What to do in various potentially awkward situations', or even 'How to end phone conversations with someone you've said you'll date but you haven't actually been on a date yet.' 

“Sure, take care of yourself Ez.”

Thank God, he didn't stretch it out.

“You too,” I murmur before switching off.

I reply to Drake telling of my news and asking if Molly’s at their house. Deciding to clean up before packing up, I walk into the kitchen ready to wash up.

As I’m about to start I see a small paper wedged in between plates, with what can clearly be identified as Molly's writing.

Help me


So ... I've updated. Let me know what you think! I know it's short but chapter wise it works out better. Hopefully the chapters will get longer from now on :D 


Zahira <3

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