Chapter 27 - How to occupy yourself when you've been locked up part 2

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How had I missed this before?

I didn’t know, maybe I was so distracted with getting out of here I hadn’t noticed. But that was stupid, it’s something you would notice, wasn’t it? An envelope with your name on it.

I don’t want to open it, I really don’t.  I had no idea why this irrational decision was made, but I did know that opening this letter was something I didn’t want to do just yet.

Setting it aside, I continue on with my original task all the while acting as if I hadn’t found a letter. I spent that night pouring over the blueprints, painstakingly trying to remember each room.

As the building was huge, the blueprints covering each area got a little confusing so I decided to take it floor by floor.

By three o’clock in the morning I very much resembled a zombie, my eyes were drooping and I felt that these blueprints were etched into my brain. One thing I know for sure was that they were etched onto my eyelids, every time I’d close my eyes I’d see random bits of blueprints floating around in my minds eye.

And that folks, is when you know you’ve been doing something for far too long.

I barely manage to make it to my bed and when I do I allow the bliss that is exhaustion to put me to sleep instantly.


The morning was amazing, mainly because of the awesome sleep I had but also the fact that my situation didn’t seem as bleak anymore. I felt proactive, that today should be a day of action.

I didn’t know how long I had here, locked up and I didn’t know what they wanted to do with me, all the more reason to find a way out of here.  After showering and cleaning the library, at three I three morning I’d left it in complete disarray. I make myself cereal and stare at the one anomaly that kept me up last night.

Every blueprint I could place and make sense of – somewhat, but the one on the breakfast bar before me didn’t make sense. I had no idea where this floor was it didn’t seem to fit in with my knowledge of the building.

The floor itself didn’t have anything special to it, it was one vast room – or so it showed, I had no idea what it was in reality. Maybe it could be a ballroom? But would you have a separate blueprint for the ballroom?

I leave the blueprint there after concluding that the answer wouldn’t be coming to me anytime soon – I still have a lot of ground to cover and not enough time.

I spent the rest of the morning exploring what remained to be explored in the library,

My search yielded results, I found a brown, worn journal which wasn’t Drakes writing. A fact, which only intrigued me more. Getting myself comfy, I set about reading the journal.

January 1st 2008


A new start with a new year, that’s what Ralph said. I see it in his eyes though, the distrust he holds for me, mine too reflect the same emotion. Too much has gone by these past years for me to forget, my daughter has withdrawn so far into her shell I fear that she will never recover. My son has become a different person, one who has been severely effected by his fathers words.

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