Chapter 8 - One step forward, two steps back

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I spent the rest of the school day avoiding Drake and when I couldn’t avoid him – ignoring him. Whenever I walked anywhere people gave me curious stares because I kept going round the same corridors over and over again.

I had a few classes with Molly but I didn’t get to sit with her in any of them. She was always surrounded by the same group of girls although they didn’t really seem very friendly with each other. They seemed more like her acquaintances she would talk to a bit but nothing too personal.

I parted ways with Tiffany and walked the rest of the way home as slowly as possible. I really had no idea what the hell Drake’s problem was. I didn’t even see Kyle around – like I would catch glimpses of him and then the next thing I know he’s no where to be found. And Molly? She’s just as frustrating, I share a house with her, yet she’s never in it! How am I supposed to talk to her if she’s never there?

All too fast I reach my destination, opening the door I’m greeted with silence. Looks like no ones home again. What a surprise.

I head straight upstairs and quickly finish off the homework I’d been given, this only takes half an hour. I guess time has decided to be torturous and go extra slow today.  

Fast on the verge of death by boredom, I decide to visit the local park, because – well if I don’t I could die. And dying is not on my current list of ‘Things to do’ right about now.

Ambling my way towards the park, I notice the beautiful sun and attempt to soak some of it up. There are a few children playing on the swings, so I just sit under a huge tree in one corner, basking in the suns rays.

This feels good, if only I had bought a book with me.

And some chocolate.

And tea.

The moment is ruined by a buzzing sound, I fish my phone out of my pocket not even realising it was there. Stupid O2 ruining my moment. That reminds me, I quickly punch in The Resource Centre’s number and ask for information on a Mrs Pasquali.  To see if there’s an official record of her.  The people working in the Resource Centre can find out anything and everything. There are two units in the Resource Centre, the first is to find background information for case files, briefings and anything of that nature.

The second unit are called the Recruits, they spend their time finding potential new students for the Academy digging into their backgrounds and all other possible information.

After I’ve finished the call I head back to the house, hoping in vain that Molly is back home.

I guess now would be as good as time as any to do some exercise.  I head stright upstairs and begin my workout. It’s important to stay fit especially in the Academy, we have a certain level of fitness we have to be at all the time. So if we slack while away on holiday or on a mission we have to make up for it when we get back. I warm up for a bit by doing some stretches then I begin doing some squats, lunges, push ups and a few other exercises alternating between them every few minutes.

When I’m completely breathless  and sweaty I stop, checking the time I notice it’s only been half an hour. Usually I have a longer endurance than this. Oh well, time for a shower.

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