Chapter 7 - The English Interrogation

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I turn to face Drake, whose skill for sneaking up on people is growing in leaps and bounds.

‘Why?’ I ask insolently, refusing to be intimidated by the glare he’s giving me.

‘You went to her house.’

‘So now you’re stalking me?’

‘What did she say?’ He steps closer to me, I take a step back.

‘I don’t think that’s any of your buissness.’

‘Oh, I believe it is.’ He takes another step towards me and to his surprise I move towards him too.

‘No,’ I state firmly. ‘I believe it isn’t.’ With that I make my exit, climbing up the stairs leaving Drake behind, wondering what the hell just happened. After half an hour of practising lyrics and hoping he’s gone home I leave the confines of my bedroom to cook dinner.

I make cheese toasties as the only things I can find in the fridge is bread, cheese and milk.  It’s nearly six and Molly is nowhere to be found. I knocked on her door only to find it locked and decided that this would be a good time to continue my investigation of the house.

I search the living room in the pretense of looking for a missing earring which I’ve stuffed up my sleeve so I can magically ‘find’  it if anyone asks. To my disappointment I find nothing out of the ordinary.  I do a quick sweep of the kitchen again but to really scope the place out would involve moving some of the larger appliances which would definitely raise suspicion.

Theres nothing out of the ordinary in the bathroom and I can’t get into Molly’s room as it’s locked. That’s not to say I can’t pick locks but I’d rather gain her trust so she would allow me into her room instead.

I flick channels until something interesting catches my eye and waste an hour like this,  but when I’m waiting for Molly at 9, I decide to call it a day.  Despite not doing anything too strenuous I’m super tired.  I knock out as soon as I hit the sheets.

By the time I wake up in the morning, Molly is already downstairs making breakfast. There’s no actual uniform in this high school so I’ve just pulled on a random top and a pair of skinnies. I walk into the kitchen and all three siblings await me.

‘I made you tea.’ Molly says, offering me a cup. I look into the mug.

This is not tea.

It looked like dishwasher water. Brown but not in the nice brown way, in the dirty water brown way.

And the rambling begins.

I take the proffered cup, ‘Molly, I don’t mean to be ungrateful, really. But this is no tea. I mean, thanks for the effort but I don’t drink my tea like this.’

I drain the tea anyway, Drake offers me toast. I shake my head in refusal. If Molly made that too I’d dread to think what it would taste like.  I walk to school with them in my post-waking-up daze. You know the one, where you can walk, talk and seem like you’re wide awake, but in reality your dazed, your brain is half asleep and you have no idea what’s happening.

I go straight to the office, the secretary is on the phone and shoves a stack of paper in my face. As I walk back out I rifle through them until I get to my schedule and a map of the school. My first class is  double English in class 7H, I look on my map attempting to locate said class. Hmm…so, go straight down this corridor then turn a left and it’s the third classroom  down. Right, this shouldn’t be hard.

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