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Y/N walked up to her locker after finishing her AP Literature class and opened it to change out her books. A note fluttered out onto the floor and she crouched down to pick it up. She unfolded the lined paper with mild interest. 

Why are you still alive you fucking slut?!

She sighed, it wasn't uncommon for her to find such notes shoved in her locker as she wasn't exactly popular and she was no longer surprised to find them, but that didn't mean that she wasn't still hurt by their words. She would have reported the bullying to the school ages ago, but she was scared that they would call her mom, and that would have been worse than any stupid bullying.

"Hey Y/N," she jumped and turned to see the cheerful face of her best, and only friend, Sean. "You got another one, didn't you? I bet you could paper your whole room with them now." He grinned at her sheepishly, running a hand through his rusty brown hair and closing his light blue eyes. 

"Hey Sean," Y/N said quietly, pulling on the sleeves of her old sweater; it was a nervous habit that she couldn't seem to break. "... You got one of those letters, didn't you?" She remarked sadly as she noticed a similar piece of paper in his hand. 

"Yeah," he quickly balled it up and hid it behind his back, as though that would somehow make it disappear altogether. "Maybe I should follow through with the wallpaper idea, it's super edgy." He joked, doing a silly dance move to try and cheer Y/N up.

"Sean, how can you joke about this, I know it bothers you?" She asked, continuing to look at him sadly. She wrapped her arms tightly around herself and changed her attention to the floor.  "... You're going to get picked on as long as you're still friends with me, so-" 

"-so it's all the more reason to continue being your friend," He interrupted her brightly, placing a hand on her shoulder.  "... you're the only one who I can talk to about my overprotective dad," he added as he grew more serious.

"Hey, I'd trade any day," Y/N shot back, the ghost of a smile stretching her lips as she gave him a light shove. "Better than a mom who calls me a mistake more than using my actual name." 

 "Yeah, you have a good point," he sighed before he reached out and ruffled her hair, giving her that smile of his that always managed to make her smile too. "All the more reason to stay, friends right?"

. . . 

Y/N was sitting on a bench in a small park near her school, basking in the warmth of the early fall sun on her face as she tried to enjoy her time off from her part-time job and not think about what she would be arriving home to later in the day.

Sean hadn't been at school that day, and she was a little worried, but she assumed that he was just sick or his dad had taken him on an impromptu vacation, so she tried not to let it consume her. She didn't want to be one of those clingy friends, although, if she was being honest Sean was her only friend and the only person who made her feel like it was worth getting up in the mornings.




She was distracted by the sound of her cheap flip phone ringing in her pocket. She took it out of her pocket and answered, curious who would want to call her. "Hello," she said, a touch of nervousness in her voice. "Who is this?" 

"I'm Mr. O'Dargan," A deep, gravelly voice said through the phone. "I know that you're friends with my son."

"Y-yes I am," Y/N stammered, she had only spoken with Sean's father a handful of times and couldn't think of any reason that he would call her. Little did she know at the time that what he said next would change her life forever.

"Sean, he-he," Mr. O'Dargan stammered, his voice wavering and hoarse as he struggled to complete the sentence that froze Y/N's blood. "He killed himself."


As you have probably guessed, this book is going to be very dark. I think it will be my darkest yet.

Be warned that this book is going to be heavily psychological, and I don't plan on sugarcoating anything to make it more comfortable to read.

With that said, I hope you enjoy the rest of the story. ^~^

Until next time I'll see you on the other side

~J. C. Coltt.~

Folie à Deux [Yandere Guardian x Abused Female Reader]Where stories live. Discover now