52. Loneliness.

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When Eamon awoke the following morning he was half expecting to be somewhere entirely different, it was a little bit of a surprise to find that Ann was still laying next to him in their bedroom. He just laid there for several minutes, drinking in the normalcy of being in the same scenario he remembered falling asleep in the night before.

Is this reality? He thought as he looked at the sleeping figure of his wife next to him. He recalled all his memories of Sean, Y/N, and Ann. He remembered the day of Sean's funeral, but the memory of Y/N holding baby Sean in her arms was present too. He could also picture Y/N and Sean becoming inseparable friends after his divorce with Ann, but none of that seemed to have happened. Was it all just some long convoluted dream? 

Despite all the heartbreaking memories that would be left behind, he couldn't help but feel a touch of melancholy at the realization that Y/N also wasn't real. Stop pinning after her - she's not real! He scolded himself, trying to convince his emotions to comply with his thoughts. I have a good relationship with Ann, and even the opportunity to have a family, isn't that what I always wanted?

Indeed, for as long as he could remember having a family and a mundane life had been all he had ever wanted, it was only after a certain H/C hair girl came into his life that his every desire became centered around her. But she was no longer there with him and despite the empty hole he felt growing in his heart he decided to bury those feelings and embrace his relationship with Ann with an open mind. It's settled, I'll give this relationship a try... I want this...

. . .

In the days that passed, Eamon dedicated himself to his relationship with Ann, even though the empty hole in his heart grew larger with every day. Even with all his efforts, he couldn't bring himself to love Ann the way he used to, it was like the very ability to love someone in such an intimate way had been ripped from his heart just like how Y/N had been ripped from him.

He still played the role of a doting husband for Ann, he took her out on dates, engaged in conversation with her, and even made love to her when she desired, but he was just going through the motions like a puppet bound by its strings. The more time that passed the less he could feel of anything, not only love but all of his emotions were being drained from him.

On one wet and rainy day, he could be found sitting slumped on the living room sofa, contemplating the hollow husk of a man he had become."Eamon sweetie, I have wonderful news!" He was startled out of his morose thoughts Ann's cheerful voice proceeded her as she exited the kitchen and joined him in the living room. "The Charlie Adoption agency got back to us and... They put us on the list!" She practically squealed in excitement as she sat down next to him and clutched onto his hands.

"W-what?" He stammered, involuntary jerking his hands away from hers as he tried to process what she'd said.

"It's only a matter of time now!" She chirped happily, her reaction entirely changed from the one he remembered when she discovered she was pregnant with Sean, but that had only been a dream. "We're going to have a baby, isn't it wonderful?"

"Oh, yes. It's wonderful..." He said as he felt the pit of his stomach sink, he had agreed to start contacting adoption agencies, but he never thought they would be accepted so quickly. With the prospect of a new child not far off on the horizon, he realized that he wasn't ready and stood from the couch suddenly.  "I'm sorry I-I think I just need some time to process, I'm going out for a drive." Before Ann could respond he had grabbed his coat and was out the front door.

. . .

He'd been driving around for so long that it had gotten dark, but even though his mind had cleared and the unpleasant sickness in the pit of his stomach had gone away he couldn't bring himself to return home. This is wonderful news, I should be happy I am happy I just- -I feel so empty inside. He thought, keeping his eyes on the road and watching the city lights flash by in his peripheral vision.

Y/N's just a figment of my imagination so why?! Why can't I get her out of my head?! He thought, clenching onto the steering wheel so hard that his knuckles turned white. His heart ached with longing the more he thought about her. Those E/C eyes as gentle as a doe's, her timid demeanor, her shy smile, she was consuming every part of him. She's all I can think of anymore... This hole inside of me it's... Driving me crazy...

Suddenly he slammed on the brakes so hard that the car let out a terrible screech and slid on the wet pavement. He had caught sight of a familiar head of H/C hair disappearing around the street corner up ahead. Not caring about the sketchy part of the city he haphazardly parked his car and rushed to follow the H/C haired woman before she disappeared. Is that her?! It can't be! No, it has to be! He chased after her, uncaring that all the shops he passed were boarded up and that he had to step over several drug addicts passed out on the sidewalk.

He had been so focused on the woman he so desperately hoped was Y/N that he didn't take notice of the man in the long coat who had also been following her until he dragged her into an alleyway a few paces in front of Eamon and he rushed forward in sudden panic.

"No, please!" She gasped, her voice identical to the intoxicating one of Y/N's he remembered, as the stranger pinned her roughly against the cold bricks in the trash-filled alley. She began to sob pitifully. "I-I don't want this I-"

"-I paid for your time, now give me my fun whore!" The man hissed, his greasy hair falling in front of his eyes as he grabbed her throat and squeezed it as he forced his lips against hers.

"Get. Away. From. Her." Eamon said, his voice deadly calm as he began trembling with rage. He would have been irate at anyone who treated a woman like that, but the fact that the woman looked so much like his beloved made him see red in anger.

"Come on dude, this is none of your business," the other man huffed angrily as he broke the kiss, not even bothering to remove his hand from her neck even though she was clawing desperately at it. "No need to play hero for a whore like her-"

"YOU SHUT YOUR MOUTH!" Eamon yelled, his last thread of self-composure snapping. He lunged and the man and began pounding him with his fists. The pair tumbled to the ground and he reached out and took hold of a muddy brick before bludgeoning him with it, he lay still on the ground after that. "You foul son of a bitch..." Eamon growled under his breath as he got back on his feet.

"It's alright, you're safe now," he said in a much gentler voice as he turned to face the woman, but as he took a step towards her she cowered away in fear. "Shhh, you don't need to be frightened, I won't hurt you I promise. What's your name?" He asked, his heart pounding in his chest. He was certain who she was, but he needed to hear it from her own lips to believe it.

"... Y-Y/N..." She said in a tiny voice, covering her bruised and battered face with her trembling hands.

"Well please Y/N, let me walk you home," Eamon offered, his heart filling with warn affection that he hadn't felt in weeks as he offered her his hand. Now that he had found her again he was never going to let her go. "It's too late for a girl like you to be on the streets alone."


This was an interesting chapter. I feel bad for Eamon, but the story must go on.

Until next time I'll see you on the other side

~J. C. Coltt.~

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