47. Sneaking Away.

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The sound of a tinkling bell accompanied the sound of cheerful voices as Y/N pushed the door of the coffee shop open, leaving the dreary street behind her. Her heart raced in her chest and she felt sick to her stomach, she was excited to be away from Eamon for a bit, but she felt guilty for running out without telling him where she was going.

"Y/N!" She was distracted from her anxiety by someone calling her name, looking around she saw the refined features of Madeline smiling at her from where she sat by the window waving her to join her. "Hello, I am just so glad that you could join me today," she said as she gestured to the seat across from her.

"M-me too..." Y/N stammered, fidgeting with the sleeves of her favorite lilac sweater. She wore it so often that it looked shabby, especially when compared to Madeline's crisp button-up, tartan pleated skirt, and a plum blazer thrown over her school uniform. Y/N couldn't help but marvel at how sophisticated she looked.

Her deep hazel eyes filled with concern as she looked at Y/N's slumped posture and noticed that she seemed very uncomfortable. "You must be cold. Do you need a hot chocolate? You look like you need a hot chocolate," she said, waving her hand gracefully to get the attention of the waiter and ordering one before she had a chance to turn down the beverage, "waiter, one hot chocolate please."

"Thank you, b-but you don't have to-" Y/N stammered, still trying to keep Madeline from going through the trouble for her, fidgeting with the hem of her sweater.

"-But I do, I asked you to join me so it's only natural that I get you something," Madeline interrupted her gently. She took a sip from her cup of green tea before looking across the table and smiling again, "in any case, I wanted to."

"Oh, well thank you very much," she looked down at her lap, unable to maintain eye contact. Even when her drink arrived she didn't dare to look up. No girl had ever been this nice to her before, she wasn't she how to feel.

"It's just hot chocolate, no need to be so concerned," The brunette chided her as she pushed the steaming mug closer to her. She leaned back with a satisfied smile as Y/N finally took a sip of the warm chocolaty drink. "This may be forward to say since this is only our second meeting, but there's something about you I like and I'd like us to be friends," Madeline told her bluntly after several more moments of silence.

"R-really?" Y/N spluttered, nearly choking on the whipped cream in her cup. No one but Sean had liked her enough to want to be friends, and even he had left her in the end. "But why? I-I don't have anything to offer you and I-" She began to ramble, not believing that someone who was obviously so much better than her would want to be friends, it must have been some kind of joke.

"-and you are a very genuine person," Madeline interrupted her downward spiral of negativity as she reached out and touched her hand reassuringly. "Once you've finished, would you like the go shopping with me? Since I'm already skipping school to be here we might as well have fun." Her lips spread into a cheeky grin, a mischievous twinkle flashing in her eyes before she composed herself and returned to her more prim expression.

"I-I don't know," Y/N hesitated as she looked down at the dredges at the bottom of her cup. Her heart pounded in her chest as she realized that Eamon was surely looking for her, and the longer she was gone the angrier he was bound to be. To make things worse Madeline was skipping school to spend time with her, and getting her in trouble was the last thing she wanted to do. "I don't want you to get in trouble or-"

"-Don't worry, no one will notice I'm gone," Madeline waved her hand and laughed as she stood up, leaving a twenty on the table as a tip. "Amarilla and Tiffany are with their grandma so I don't have to take care of my sisters today - now come on, I want to take you shopping!" She exclaimed, the mischievous look reappearing in her eyes as she took hold of Y/N's arm and pulled her to her feet.

"Wait-" Y/N tried to protest as she was led out of the warm coffee shop onto the rainy street. She wanted to say that she should be getting back to Eamon, but her words were swallowed up by the many cars and busses driving by.

"Taxi! Taxi!" Madeline called confidently as she stood at the curb, moments later a cheerful yellow cab came to stop and she pulled Y/N inside before she could gather the courage to protest. "Marcelle square, please,"  Madeline told the driver before he could even ask, crossing her legs and straightening her jacket primly.

"So, tell me all about yourself while we drive," She said, reaching out to take Y/N's hand in hers as the taxi wove back into traffic. "I'd like to get to know you better."

. . .

"P-please Madeline, you don't have to buy all these for me. I have no way to repay you-" Y/N said, trying to dissuade her. She had brought her to one of the most expensive boutiques in the city, located in the nicest shopping plaza, and told Y/N to try on whatever she wanted.

They had a good laugh when Madeline had put on a pinstripe suit that made her look like a savvy business lady in her late twenties and when Y/N put on a formal gown that was made so large it looked like it was melting off her. She couldn't remember the last time she had laughed so much, it was great.

What she hadn't realized was that Madeline had discreetly told their shopping assistant to hang onto the clothes that Y/N liked instead of returning them to the rack. Only now that Madeline was heading to the counter to pay did she notice that she intended to buy the clothing that she had liked along with her own. Y/N tried to convince her not to, uncomfortable at the thought of someone she had only just gotten to know better spending so much money on her.

"Nonsense, why have money if you can't spoil your friends with it," She smiled charmingly, waving her protests away like tiny insects as she swiped her credit card and signed the receipt. "And aside from having money, I'm not a very interesting person... At least if I buy you things you'll want to spend time with me..." She muttered in a much softer tone before flashing another smile and handling Y/N her bag of clothes.

"I think you're really interesting!" Y/N exclaimed, unable to not speak up about it. She let out a tiny squeaky and covered her mouth when she realized how loud she had been, but continued all the same. "E-Even though we're only just getting to know each other I-I look up to you a lot... You're so confident..." She let her voice trail off, not sure what else to say to express how much she wished that she could be like Madeline.

She smiled at Y/N, although her hazel eyes still held a touch of uncertainty. "Thanks, it means a lot to hear that from you... Friend?" She stated the word friend cautiously, waiting for her response. When Y/N nodded her head in confirmation she perked up a considerable amount and linked their arms together as she said, "Well then, friend, let's go have some ice cream."


I love Madeline! I'm curious to hear what you think about her though. ^~^

Until next time I'll see you on the other side

~J. C. Coltt.~

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