30. Good Morning, Eamon.

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Eamon felt incredibly groggy. His body was too heavy to move, he couldn't even lift his eyelids. He just laid there, wherever he was he felt warm and complacent. He took in several deep breaths and found that his chest especially felt heavy, as though something heavy had been set on it.

His sleep-clouded mind grew curious and he eventually had amassed enough strength to open his eyes. Sunshine was shining through the windows onto the master bed, making it hard for his eyes to adjust. After several blinks, he was able to see what was weighing him down, and all traces of drowsiness left him at once.

Y/N was sleeping peacefully with her head cradled between her arms as the golden light haloed her serene features, her H/C hair spilling across Eamon's bare chest. Eamon just stared for several moments, not believing his eyes, waiting for his mind to understand what he was seeing.

Ok, Y/N is sleeping in my bed, on my chest, Eamon thought as he struggled to sit up involuntary as his mind raced. He remembered that he had gone out drinking and come home drunk, his heart froze as he recalled that he had come home and when he saw that Y/N was waiting up for him he had kissed her, but no matter how much he strained his mind he couldn't remember anything after that. Oh god - what happened last night?! He immediately assumed the worst.

He was distracted from his panic by the sensation of movement on his abdomen, looking down he saw that Y/N had been woken by his movements earlier. "Good morning, Eamon," she said sleepily, gave him a sweet smile that surprised him. She sat up and stretched and Eamon felt like his soul had left his body. She was wearing pink babydoll lingerie that was incredibly sexy, but Eamon barely even noticed as his full attention was on where the gathered fabric parted to reveal a swollen stomach that looked about eight months pregnant.

Eamon stared for a good minute as he tried to process how any of this was possible. She was very much not pregnant the night before so what had happened? "Y/N?! What-what happened?! You're-you're..." Eamon was lost for words, he tripped over his tongue feeling like he may have had a stroke.

Y/N just laughed, shocking Eamon to no end at her lack of concern at waking up in bed with him heavily pregnant. "You happened silly, I mean you were pretty drunk the night it happened but did you really forget?" She teased him with a playful pout. "Geez - oh! I just felt a kick!" Her whole face lit up and Eamon saw the surface of her belly ripple slightly.

She reached out and took hold of his shaking hand and pressed it to the surface of her swollen stomach so that he could feel the movement himself. "You're-you-re-" He stammered, still trying to come to grips with the situation before him. He never would have believed it, had it not been for the fact that he could feel the unborn child moving, no his unborn child moving. "I-I'm the father and you don't mind?" He asked, looking up at her with fear and worry on his face.

"Of course not," she said with another laugh and Eamon felt like his heart would leap out of his chest as she crawled on top of him and leaned forward enough that she could brush her nose against his, "we are a couple after all."

"A-A couple-" he stammered, unable to believe what he was hearing, his graey-blue eyes wide.

"Yeah," She leaned back, her expression growing more concerned. "Are you feeling ok sweetie?"

"I-I'm fine, just a little fuzzy from sleeping," he tried to come up with an excuse while his mind was reeling. At first, he thought he was having some sort of strange hallucination, but the longer things went on the less likely that seemed. But if it was real, had he really forgotten eight months in one night? "So how-how long have we been together exactly?" He asked, trying to figure out what was going on.

"Almost a year," she answered him, still concerned. "I moved in last fall remember?" He instinctively looked out the window to see that spring was in full bloom outside, not like fall the way in had been in his last memory.

"Oh yeah..." Eamon's voice trailed off. At least his memory of when Y/N had moved in was right, but he was beginning to question if any of the other details were to be trusted considering he was missing eight months' worth of memories. "And why did you move in again?" He asked.

Y/N let out a small huff of air. "You saved me from my abusive ex remember? You were my lawyer and after he was sent to jail you opened your home to me. After I'd been staying for a few months you came home drunk one night, one thing led to another and..." She rubbed her belly, looking down at it fondly. "Do you really not remember?" She turning her attention to him, growing worried.

"It's starting to bring back some things..." Eamon lied quickly, he couldn't remember any of that. He remembered that Y/N had come to him for help to get away from her abusive mom, not an abusive boyfriend. He had treated her wounds in the living room, he remembered that clear as day. "Last question... How old are you?" He cringed at the awkwardness of it but he needed to know.

"Geez, what is with you this morning? I'm 26, you took me out for my birthday just last week," She replied, the worry lines deepening on her face.

Thank god, Eamon thought before he could stop himself. The relief he felt that the woman who he held desires for and had gotten pregnant was not underage was immeasurable. Was-was all that with Y/N being underage nothing more than a bad dream? He questioned, the more he thought about it the more he wanted it to be true. He blushed as looked up at Y/N and realized just how much he loved the sight of her carrying their child.

"Your face feels so warm, I think you're running a fever," Y/N commented as she pressed her cheek to his forehead and snapping him out of his reverie. "That would explain why you're having trouble remembering things."

Was everything just a fever dream?
Eamon thought in bewilderment. Had everything he thought happened over the past few months been nothing more than an incredibly complicated nightmare?

"I'm worried about you Eamon," Y/N said, as she looked at him with eyes filled with so much love and care that he felt like his heart was breaking from joy at the sight. "I'm going to make you breakfast in bed and get you some medicine, but if that fever doesn't go down your going to have to go in and get checked out ok?" She crawled out of bed with minimal difficultly and walked towards the door still in nothing but her lingerie.

"Ok..." Eamon agreed, still hardly able to believe the strangeness of everything around him.

"Love you, sweetie," Y/N turned around and blew him a kiss before she fully stepped through the door.


I am going to go out on a limb here and guess that you didn't see that coming. ^~^

Until next time I'll see you on the other side

~J. C. Coltt.~

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