8. You Can Trust Me.

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The first thing Y/N noticed was how incredibly sore she felt, every part of her body ached. The next thing she noticed was that apart from the aching she was surprisingly comfortable. Her eyes were tightly closed, but she felt as though she was laying on a warm cloud.

Where am I? Y/N thought as her groggy mind began to wake up, coming into sharper and sharper focus. Slowly she reached her sore arms up to clear the sleep from her eyes. Blinking she sat up, trying to see where she was.

She was tucked under a fluffy maroon blanket in a large bed. Her eyes flitted around the room as her fear and anxiety grew. The walls were a dull but pleasant beige and there was a dark wood dresser in the corner that matched the wood of the bed frame. It was easily the nicest room that Y/N had ever been in, but that only added to her panic.

She strained her tired mind, trying to remember how she got there as she stumbled out of bed on wobbly legs. She remembered her bullies dumping ice cream on her at her after pushing her around all day at school. She had gone home only to have her mom give her the worst beating of her life claiming that she was sleeping with Eamon. The thought made her queasy, she never once thought of Eamon in such a way, he was just the one other person who could relate to the pain that she felt.

Once Y/N had collected herself and hauled herself to her feet she had left the apartment and in her haze of pain gone to the only person who she thought my help her; Eamon. After that, she had trouble recalling anything else, and that's the part that had her worried. Her panic only increased when she looked down and saw that she was wearing a man's t-shirt that was quite oversized on her small form.

Oh god, what happened?! She thought in terror as the worst possibilities began to fill her mind. She started crying out of fear and mental exhaustion as she was overrun by anxiety.

"Good morning," Eamon called warmly as he pushed the door to the bedroom, a cheery smile on his face and a tray with food in his hands. "I thought you'd like breakfast in bed - oh Y/N what's wrong?" He quickly discarded the tray on the nightstand and hurried over to Y/N, his face filling with concern at her distressed state.

"W-what happened last night?" Y/N asked, her voice quavering as she backed away from Eamon. "W-why am I w-wearing your shirt?"

"Oh Y/N," He said gently, stopping his advance when he saw that it was making her more anxious. "You just showed up at my door in the middle of the night, dinged up and soaking wet. I patched you up and you spent the night here. And you're wearing that because the clothes you came in were drenched and you would have caught a cold."

"Oh..." Y/N said softly, greatly relieved that she had been worried about nothing.

"And in case you're worried you changed yourself last night, you were pretty tired so that's probably why you're having trouble remembering, I didn't see anything at all," Eamon added a bit awkwardly, just to further reassure the girl that no improper lines had been crossed. "Now why don't you get back in bed, you won't be able to have proper breakfast in bed otherwise," He said, offering his hand to help her if she wanted.

"Ok..."  Y/N replied timidly as she used Eamon's hand to keep her balance on her tired legs. "Thank you..." She mumbled as he set the tray with a surprisingly underwhelming cereal bowl on her lap.

"It's my pleasure," He told her with a friendly smile. After a moment of silence he spoke again. "look, I understand if you're not ready to talk about it yet, but if you are I want to know what happened. It's the only way that I'll be able to help you."

"O-ok... I'll tell you," Y/N stammered after considering for several seconds. "I-I don't have a lot of friends so I get picked on at school, that's how my knees got scraped. They even came to my part-time job and dumped their orders all over me. I was so embarrassed that I ran away and I got caught in the rain, then when I got home..." Her voice faded away.

"You don't have to tell me the rest if you don't want to," Eamon stated, not wanting to put unnecessary pressure on her.

"N-no..." She murmured, he had been so kind to her, telling him what happened to her was the least she could do. Taking a steadying breath she continued, "When I got home my mom was waiting for me, she was angry at me for sneaking off to see you. She thought I was... S-sleeping with you, so she-she-" She faltered and came to a stop, unable to finish.

"She hurt you didn't she?" Eamon asked gently, his face filled with sadness as Y/N's words practically confirmed his growing suspicions.

"H-how did you know?" She jumped, her eyes growing wide as she looked at him in shock.

"It wasn't that hard to guess," He told her with a bitter sigh. "I called your mom on the phone to thank her for the casseroles only to learn that she never made them, and after how she spoke about you on the phone, I had my suspicions. You made the casseroles, didn't you?" He asked Y/N, looking at her meaningfully with his graey-blue eyes.

She just nodded her head, wrapping her arms around herself in embarrassment.

"Then why did you lie?" He questioned her in confusion.

"I-l didn't want you to think less of me because of my home life..." Y/N said, her voice muffled through her hands.

"Oh Y/N, that's nothing to be ashamed of," Eamon said, his pity for the poor girl only growing. He sat on the side of the bed and reached out to place a comforting hand on her shoulder. "And I want you to know that you're welcome to stay here as long as you want." He told her, his voice filled with warmth.

"Th-thank you..." Y/N said barely above a whisper as she looked up and him with hot tears on her face. He was so kind. No one had ever been so kind to her in her life except for one other person; Sean.


Eamon is too nice for his own good. Seriously, way too nice.

Until next time I'll see you on the other side

~J. C. Coltt.~

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