35. Shopping Turned Sour.

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It had only been a few days since Y/N and Eamon had shared their second kiss, but things had already changed drastically between them. Flushed cheeks and longing looks would be exchanged over breakfast behind the back of the kind housekeeper.

After breakfast Y/N would walk with Eamon to the door and give him a shy kiss on the cheek, he would smile at her with love and return the gesture before leaving for work.

Eamon would feel the cloud of guilt creeping around him whenever he was away from her. He knew deep down that what they were doing was wrong and several times he had resolved to go to Y/N and tell her that this was all a terrible mistake, but whenever he would see her again looking at him with love in her eyes he would melt and allow himself to return to the delusion that all was well between them.

One Thursday afternoon Eamon decided to leave work early on an impulse and take Y/N shopping. He hurried home and practically skipped up the front steps, excited to surprise the girl who was so dear to him. "Y/N, I'm home!" He called, his face splitting into a wide smile as he heard the rapid pitter-patter of feet rushing towards the door.

"EAMON!" Y/N practically squealed as she flung herself into his waiting arms. "I wasn't expecting you home till six, is everything alright?" She asked in concern.

"Doll, as long as I'm with you everything is perfect," he told her, his heart overflowing with affection as he picked Y/N up and spun her around. That caused her to giggle and he felt his heart melt still more for her. "I decided to come home early to take you shopping, come on I'll buy you anything you want."

. . .

Y/N felt overwhelmed and unsure what shop to enter first as the two of them walked around the mall. There were so many boutiques, and shops selling cute novelties that she didn't know where to begin.

Eamon on the other hand was a bit more on edge. His sharp eyes caught sight of several boys who looks to be about Y/N's age watching her with hungry gazes as they passed, he knew exactly what they were thinking about his Y/N. He glared at them as he wrapped an arm around her shoulders and pulled her close, he had to fight the urge to place a passionate kiss on her lips right then and there to make it clear that she was his. Instead, he settled for guiding her into the nearest women's clothing store, giving the group of teenagers one final glare.

They emerged from the boutique several hours later, laden with bags that signified a successful shopping trip. Y/N was blushing in embarrassment at the amount of money he had spent on her, but he had insisted, she wasn't even able to convince him not to buy her the evening dress that had caught her eye, even though she didn't have any occasion to wear it.

They walked around the mall for a bit longer just to window shop. Even though he was encumbered by several bags Eamon still managed to wrap one of his arms around Y/N's waist, still paranoid after the ogling teens he had seen earlier. Several more minutes went by and Eamon finally started to calm down, then the blissful serenity was suddenly shattered by a voice.

"Why hello there Eamon, fancy seeing you here," the pair both jumped at the unexpected voice and whirled around to see a very smartly clad brunette woman standing a few paces away from them. As she drew near Eamon recognized her at once, it was Ann. "Who's this pretty little thing? I see I'm not the only one who got a younger model." She asked and she looked down at Y/N with scrutiny.

"How dare you!" Eamon prickled, growing defensive at once. Alarmed and angry that she had so easily guessed their secret feelings. "She is my- adoptive daughter Ann." He said quickly, the phrase tasting weird in his mouth.

"Oh, I see, my bad. I just assumed since you're holding her by the waist," Ann commented as she continued to eye them shrewdly, but she shrugged and dropped the subject. "Regardless, good on you for moving on and replacing our son so quickly. And you say I'm heartless." She continued to antagonize Eamon.

"YOU BITCH!" Eamon's hard-to-upset temper flared up and seethed as he took an involuntary step towards her before he felt the trembling presence of Y/N by his side, frightened by his sudden explosion, and returned to his senses. "You're lucky someone I care about is here, otherwise I might not care about the consequences - come on Y/N, let's go." He gave one last threatening gaze that was only met with scorn before he walked off, with Y/N still held close to him.

They continued walking in silence until they had exited into the parking lot and climbed into Eamon's car. Once inside they continued to sit quietly, not starting the car right away.

Finally, Eamon took a deep breath and broke the heavy silence. "So, I guess you've met my ex-wife now," He forced a laugh in a feeble attempt to lighten the sour mood. In a more Ernest tone, he added, "don't take anything she said to heart, she always did have a knack for hurting others."

"I won't..." Y/N stammered, looking down at her hands folded neatly in her lap, still shaken by the whole experience. "... B-but, do you only see me as a daughter... A replacement for S-Sean..." She asked meekly, consumed by insecurity about exactly what she was to the man sitting next to her.

He was filled both with sadness that she would ever doubt her great importance to him and incredible anger at Ann for making the girl he adored feel uncertain about what role she played in his life."Y/N, you mean everything to me," He cupped both her cheeks tenderly with his hands and lifted her face so that he could look lovely into her teary E/C eyes before placing a tender kiss on her lips. As he pulled away he whispered in a voice only for her to hear, "I love you."


I'm curious what you think of this development in the story, do you like it or not?

Until next time I'll see you on the other side

~J. C. Coltt.~

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