11. Hard to Move On.

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After several more days, all the legal matters had been settled and Y/N was officially in Eamon's custody. He told her that he had a restraining order against her mother but was vague on the other details of what her mother's legal punishment had been, and for that Y/N was grateful.

It wasn't exactly like she loved her mother, and she knew perfectly well that her mother didn't love her in the slightest, but she was still her mother. Hearing exactly what the courts had decided to do would have been hard, regardless of how much she hated her, so she was grateful that Eamon avoided as many details as he could.

It took several days for the fact that this was Y/N's home to sink in. She'd wake up in the morning and look around the minimalistic beige bedroom that Eamon had given to her to be her room for several moments before she remembered that Eamon had adopted her.

Once she remembered that she would bound out of bed and hurry to get dressed in her new adorable clothes, that she never went one day without getting at least one compliment from Eamon or Annie, then rush downstairs to eat breakfast with Eamon before he left for work and she for school.

There were of course moments of awkward silence over meals as neither knew quite what to say, but all and all they were adjusting quite well to their new life together. One a normal Thursday morning Eamon could be found settling himself into his desk in the small office space where he ran his law firm near the heart of the business district of the city. His desk was simple, the only unusual fact was the photo frame that was sitting face down that had a picture of his son's middle school graduation. He couldn't bear to see it, not yet.

"Hey, Eamon," a friendly voice called. He turned to see his good friend and co-owner of the law firm. His name was José Rodriguez and he and Eamon had been friends since college. "how are you, you seem to be in much better spirits?"

"I'm doing good José, thanks for asking," Eamon said, offering his friend a small smile.

"And how have things been with Y/N?" He inquired as he grabbed a stack of files and set them on his desk. He was the primary reason that the legal process of adopting Y/N had gone so swiftly and smoothly, he had his misgivings about Eamon adopting her so soon but he couldn't refuse his friend and colleague.

"It's been great!" His smile widened as he thought about how much joy Y/N had brought into his life. "She's a wonderful girl and very polite. I'm grateful to have her in my life and out of that terrible situation."

"It's a good thing you did Eamon, most people wouldn't have done it," José said, a rare flash of sincerity on his normally joking face. "Say, since you're feeling better we should definitely go clubbing sometime, like old times, you know women love the charitable type." He joked, his face splitting into a devious grin.

"José," Eamon said in a kind but chiding was, "You know that's not my scene anymore."

"Come on Eamon," His friend begged, leaning across his desk. "You've been hung up on your cheating ex for over ten years, you need to let her go man."

"I'm long over Ann don't worry," Eamon sighed, being careful to refer to his exwife by name, as he ran his fingers through his neat ginger hair. "I just don't like partying like you."

"Yeah," José pretended to pout, even though he was only three years younger than Eamon he still acted like he was in his twenties. "Because you're the boring 'family man' right?" He teased, but in a good-natured way.

"And proud of it," Eamon shot back with a chuckle before he turned his attention to his work.

. . .

Y/N got home from school early that day. She called out as she took off her shoes and walked down the hall into the living room with the large TV and tasteful furniture, but no one answered. Annie must have finished her duties for the day, Y/N thought, knowing that Eamon was still at work.

Something about the silent house unnerved her the longer she stood there in the living room, even though she knew it was completely irrational part of her feared that Eamon and Annie had left her there and were never coming back.

Shaking away such thoughts she decided to reassure herself by checking that Eamon's things were still in his room and hurried up the stairs, her feet padding softly against the carpet. She slowed down as she passed the second door on the right. The first door was the bathroom, across the hall from the second one was her room, and the second door was the bedroom that had belonged to Sean.

It was an unspoken rule in the house that no one went in there, even Annie didn't clean that room, it would feel like disturbing some sacred place of the dead. Y/N wanted to keep moving, but her curiosity got the best of her. She walked up the door and with shaking fingers she turned the handle. She stepped inside leaving the door open behind her, her eyes filled with tears as soon as she crossed through the doorway.

The room was exactly the way that Y/N remembered it from all the time she'd spent in there hanging out with Sean. The desk was messy with homework and the picture of the two of them still sat on it, the bed was even unmade. Except for the fine layer of dust on everything, it felt like Sean had just run downstairs to get some snacks and that he would be back any minute.

Why did you go? Y/N thought as her vision blurred with tears. I miss you, dang it! Distracted by her sadness, she didn't notice the sound of the garage door opening and closing.

"Y/N, what are you doing in here?" Eamon asked sternly as he entered the room once he saw the door open, still in his work clothes, surprised that Y/N was in there.

"I-I'm sorry," Y/N squeaked, jumped around at the sound of Eamon's voice. He was standing closer to her than she thought and this made her flinch involuntary, his height only making him more frightening. "Please don't hurt me!" She braced to be struck out of habit like she always was when she disobeyed.

"Y/N," Eamon said, his voice both serious and gentle. He placed his large hands on her shoulders and got down on one knee she that he could look up into her downcast face." I promise that I will never hurt you, ever."

"I'm sorry, I-I know I'm not allowed in here," Y/N apologized out of habit as tears leaked out of her large E/C eyes. "I-I just missed Sean and-"

"You have nothing to be sorry for," Eamon cut her off gently, his graey-blue eyes piercing into hers. "I miss him too."

"Why Eamon?" Y/N started crying as she sank down to her knees, "Why did he leave us?"

"I-I don't know," Eamon replied, his voice quavering as he pulled Y/N into a tight hug, where they knelt on the floor. He began crying too, unable to stop himself. "I wish I did, but I don't. I-I'll still lay awake at night asking that question... But we can't let what-ifs consume us. We need to move on."

"But I don't wanna move on!" Y/N sobbed, hitting her fists weakly against Eamon's chest. "I don't want to let Sean go!"

"I know, I don't either, but he wouldn't want us to live out the rest of our lives caught up in the past," he cried, not trying to suppress his sadness. "He'd want us to continue to live our lives."

''Y-yeah, you're right," Y/N agreed shakily, looking up at Eamon with a tear-streaked face.

As he looked down at her Eamon promised himself that he would do everything in his power to keep Y/N safe and happy, she had already suffered more than anyone should ever have to suffer. Looking back he could think of countless ways that he had failed Sean, he had been too preoccupied with work and healing the wounds inflicted by his ex-wife to even notice that Sean was hurting until it was too late, so he promised himself that he wouldn't make the same mistakes again.

In Y/N he saw the hint of a second chance, a chance to get things right. In caring for her, maybe he could one day be redeemed, but if only he knew then that wanting to care for Y/N would not bring about his redemption but seal his damnation.


Oooooo! And so it begins already! This book is gonna be a real ride, so you better buckle up now before things get crazy.

Until next time I'll see you on the other side

~J. C. Coltt.~

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