51. A Dream Come True.

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Eamon felt cold and even as he awoke from his sleep he felt a strong desire to return to the warm embrace of sleep, but he fought against it and managed to stay awake. It's quiet, Sean must still be sleeping, maybe I can get a little more sleep. He began to sink back into sleep, but he was disturbed by a hand brushing sluggishly against his chest.

"Mmm, you alright?" He mumbled groggily, turning his head to check on Y/N, but once he blinked the sleep from his eyes he couldn't help but stumble out of bed and scream. "AAAAAHH! GOD!" He stumbled back until he was pressed against the wall, staring at the bed in fear and confusion.

"Eamon?!" Ann cried, having bolted upright at the sound of his screams. Her auburn hair framed her face as she looked at him with concern. "What's going on?!" She asked as she stood from the bed and tried to approach him.

Eamon's eyes were practically bludging out of his head as he stared at his ex-wife. He had gone to bed with Y/N, he remembered clearly tucking Sean into bed in his crib before falling asleep cuddling Y/N. Why is she here?! What's going on?! Where's Y/N?! Where's Sean - god Sean! He thought, fresh panic seizing him. He darted out of the door before Ann could reach him and rushed down the hall to the nursery. The room was empty apart from a bed and the other usual furnishings in a bedroom. There was not a toy in sight, no mobile, and no crib holding a sleeping baby. It was all gone.

"He's not here, they're not here, where is she?!" He rambled as aimlessly wandered back into the bedroom, still clinging to the delusional hope that Y/N would wake him and tell him that it was just a bad dream.

"Eamon stop!" The loud command snapped him out of his stupor and he turned to look at her, taking deep breaths. "You're scaring me," she said, fear glinting clearly in her brown eyes.

"I'm sorry - I-I'm just so confused," He stammered out his reply, despite all the bad blood between them he hated seeing that expression of fear on her face. "I-I had a dream or I think it was a dream, I don't know... It-it was so real... Is this real?" He asked her. He was so confused, he had so many conflicting memories, he just wanted to know what was real.

"Oh Eamon, your dream must have really frightened you huh?" She said in an empathetic tone that was very unlike the vindictive woman he remembered. "It's ok, I'm here for you. Do you want to tell me about it?" She did her best to comfort him as she tentatively reached her arms out and hugged him.

He just shook his head, unable to find any words to describe what he had been experiencing. There's no way I can explain it, I can't even understand it myself... Nothing makes sense anymore, was that all just a dream, or is this the dream? He wondered, desperately combing through his fractured memories to try and discern illusion from reality, but he couldn't.

"It's ok, you don't have to tell me about it if you don't want to," She said reassuringly, his heart skipped a beat as she gave him the most genuine smile he had seen in years. "Now come on, let's go downstairs, I'll make you a coffee and my world-famous hash browns." She left the bedroom, her hips swaying as she walked, and Eamon followed her reluctantly.

. . .

After a surprisingly delicious breakfast Eamon and Ann migrated to the living room and sat down on the couch as almost every other surface was covered with textbooks and papers, but Eamon was too distracted to notice. Her cooking is amazing, she's cheerful, she's funny... She smiles at me, is this really Ann? He thought as he observed the woman sitting next to him.

"Sorry for the mess, I was cramming to get my masters, but that's all behind us now - yay!" Ann muttered as she moved several of the paper stacks around, not really cleaning anything.

Oh, it's definitely Ann, but I don't remember her being like this... its nice though, Eamon thought, laughing internally as he recalled how driven she was about her education and carrier. She seemed much more caring and lighthearted than he remembered.

"So Eamon, I've had something on my mind that I want to talk to you about, but after this morning I'm not sure-" she spoke after several minutes of silence, fidgeting with the papers on the coffee table more

"-I'm fine!" Eamon quickly interrupted her. Realizing that he has been too assertive in his tone he continued in a much calmer voice. "I-I'm fine Ann, you can tell me, I want to be here for you."

"Well, ok." She sighed, biting her lip as a worry line appeared on her brow. Eamon held his breath in anticipation, memories of when Ann asked for a divorce flooded his mind. "So umm... We've been together for seventeen years and I was thinking that maybe we could start talking about having... A child."

"A-A child? Really?" He stammered, his jaw going slack in shock. Out of everything she could have said he was not expecting that, the Ann he knew had never wanted children and continued to say that her work was more important even after Sean was born. "But-but what about your carrier? I-I thought you didn't ever want children."

"Eamon, you know that I only dedicated myself to my work because I can't biologically have children, but I've always wanted to be a mother," she huffed, sounding rather offended that Eamon would suggest that she didn't want children. "I was thinking that we could consider adopting, what do you think?" She asked seriously, looking deep into his eyes.

"I-I don't know what to say I-" Eamon's whole face was alight with joy at the thought of Ann actually wanting a family with him, but then his smile fell as he recalled Y/N. Images of his dear Y/N and baby Sean filled his mind's eye. Even though they were nowhere to be seen, even though he wasn't sure if they were even real, he felt like he was betraying them. "Yes, yes I would love to raise a child with you but... Are you sure this is what you want?" Despite the guilt, he felt he eventually succumbed to his wife's suggestion.

"Yes, I'm sure Eamon," she said without a sliver of doubt in her voice. "Having a child to raise together would be a dream come true for me."

"Are you sure?" He asked, remembering how overbearing he had been about having children before Sean was born. "I-I don't want you to feel pressured into this in any way just because I want a child, that's unfair to you... I see that now..."

"Oh, Eamon you're not pressuring me at all!" She exclaimed, resting her hand on his knee reassuringly."If anything I'm the one pressuring you..." She mumbled, looking down.

"You're not pressuring me at all!" He spoke up at once, taking hold of both her hands in his and stroking them lovingly "I'm not saying no but I-I just need some time to think, ok?"


Only ten chapters left, and I have a feeling they are going to fly by. ^~^

Until next time i'll see you on the other side

~J. C. Coltt.~

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