30. Good Morning, Eamon.

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Eamon felt incredibly groggy. His body was too heavy to move and his head was throbbing in pain. He just laid there, waiting for his headache to subside. Even though he was just waking up he felt exhausted, like he had just pulled an all-nighter without coffee. 

His fatigue-clouded mind began to clear enough for him to feel the pounding in his head. He groaned, he felt incredibly hungover. He tried to roll over only to find that he was holding something in his arms that prevented him. He struggled to open his eyes as his ears began to pick up on the sound of rain tapping against the windows. After several blinks, he was able to see what was keeping him from moving, and he immediately grew more alert as his temples throbbed.

Y/N lay sleeping peacefully, cradled tightly within his arms. He could feel the gentle rise and fall of her breathing as she slept. Eamon just stared for several moments, not believing his eyes, waiting for his mind to understand what he was seeing.

He quickly let go of her and moved away, despite the fact that he loved holding her like that more than he would care to admit, he was too absorbed in trying to figure out what was going on to indulge his desires. Just what's happening to me?! He asked as his pulse hammered in his ears.

"Y/N, Y/N," He called her name as he shook her shoulders quickly, trying to wake her up to figure out how she had ended up in his bed. "Wake up."

"Eamon?!" She jolted up from the feeling of his touch and the sound of his voice. Her cheeks turned rosy and she scrambled away from him. "Good-Good morning..." She looked down at the sheets in embarrassment.

"Y/N, I need you to tell me what happened last night, why you're in my bed this morning?" Eamon told her in a panicked frenzy as he gripped her dainty shoulders in his large hands. He scanned her face with his blue-greay eyes, he needed to know what happened, images of taking advantage of her in horrible ways flashed through his mind. "What I did..."

"W-Well I stayed up to make sure you got home safe," she said in a voice barely above a whisper, keeping her eyes on the sheets. "When you came back you were drunk, and you-we... You kissed me..." She held her face in her hands in embarrassment.

"Oh Y/N I'm so sorry!" Eamon gushed, absolutely appalled that he had given in to his desires and he feared that he had gone even further. "Just please tell me I didn't do anything else to you under the influence!" Panic setting in at the thought.

"Well..." The parts of her face he could see through her fingers grew even redder and Eamon feared the worse given that they had woken up in bed together. "You-You said that you had been sad and lonely for a very long time, and that you wouldn't be able to sleep without me so you carried me to your room and I-we... I spent the night in here." Her tone became very high-pitched and quavery at the end.

"And you're sure that I didn't do anything worse to you?" Eamon asked her, wanting to make sure he hadn't crossed the final line, he'd already crossed more lines than he should have.

"Yeah..." Y/N nodded her head, still clearly embarrassed, she tugged at the hem of her pajama top and pointed at it, "We-we're both still dressed, see?"

Eamon found the motion adorable but he pushed those feelings aside as remorse and guilt consumed him. "I'm so sorry Y/N!" He bowed his head in shame at his actions, even though they could have been worse, that didn't negate how serious they still were. "What I did to you was incredibly improper and I understand if you can't forgive me!"

"No... It's ok..." She whispered, very uncomfortable by how distraught Eamon was. "You were drunk... You weren't yourself."

"You truly are too kind, thank you," He said, forcing a smile from where he sat on the bed facing his ward, a dewy smile stretching his face as he looked at her. But what if my actions were more in line with my true desires when I was drunk... He couldn't help but think.

"Well, I-uh-I'm going to get dressed," Y/N stammered as she hopped up from the bed and scurried out of the room. A moment later she popped her head back through the door nearly giving Eamon a heart attack as she said: "Oh, I'll also get you some pain killers for the hangover."

"Thank you," He nodded, trying to catch his breath from the sudden shock. Once his heart rate calmed down he returned his attention to the two different versions of reality he seemed to have experienced. Was it really all just a dream? They both felt so real, but this lines up with all my other memories, I've never had a dream like that before...

Eamon rubbed his face with his hands, the vastly different scenarios that he had gone through were only exacerbating the headache brought on from getting hammered the previous night. Ugh, my head hurts! Maybe it was all the alcohol that caused those strange dreams? After kissing Y/N I know I'm not going to be drinking that much again, it could have been much worse... A cold chill ran down his spine as he realized the first dream he had, could have almost become a reality.

I'm going to call Julien to see if he can squeeze in another session,  He thought as he got out of bed and staggered down the stairs to the kitchen. He picked up the phone and began to dial, wincing when he saw it was almost noon on the kitchen clock. I don't want these dreams to get any worse.


It was all just a dream... Or was it?

Until next time I'll see you on the other side

~J. C. Coltt.~

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