39. Nightmare.

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Eamon jolted upright, cold sweat on his brow. He looked to the side where Y/N had fallen asleep next to him for a source of comfort. His stomach dropped when he realized that he was not laying in a bedroom at Baymore estate, but instead had awoken on a reclining couch in a blandly decorated office that he had never seen before in his life.

He stood shakily and began inspecting his unfamiliar surroundings, trying not to panic at the fact that he had no recollection of how he had gotten there. The walls were beige with filing cabinets along one side there was a desk and an empty wingback chair across from where he had been laying on the couch. 

Apart from a potted plant in the corner and several framed certificates on the wall the room was very bland, the only curious thing was that there was a window in the wall with the blinds closed. Wanting to figure out where he was and how he got there Eamon walked to the door of the office and grabbed the handle, only to find that it was locked.

"Eamon, please refrain from trying to leave during our session," a tired voice suddenly sighed, startling him out of his skin.

He whirled around, his heart pounding in his chest. Looking towards the desk he saw a skinny balding man sitting in the chair that had been empty before, his glasses perched on the tip of his nose as he stared disapprovingly at Eamon. Eamon backed away from the desk, his heart pounding in his chest at the realization that he was not alone.

"Who are you?! How did you get in here?! What's going on?!" He growled defensively, starting to feel seriously freaked out.

"I've been here the whole time," The man replied in a flat tone as he made note of something in his journal before looking back up at Eamon. "Tell me, do you remember who I am?" He asked calmly, his voice coming off as condescending to the prickly ginger.

"No! I've never met you before!" Eamon spat, not in the mood to be polite given the confusing and aggravating circumstances. "Now I demand that you either tell me what the hell is going on or you unlock this door!"

"Please refrain from such behavior Mr. O'Dargan," The bland, balding man scolded him before he asked him another question. "Do you remember why you are here?"

"No, not at all!" Eamon growled, growing more aggravated by the minute. He ran his most recent memories through his mind to try and fill in the blanks. The last thing I remember is being in bed with Y/N - Oh god - His stomach lurched as he remembered having sex with Y/N before falling asleep with her at Baymore Estate. How did I end up in this office?! I need to find Y/N she must be terrified! "Where's Y/N, I need to find her?!" He asked desperately.

"Interesting, after your blackout it seems that you have no recollection of the events that led to you being submitted to treatment here," The man at the desk muttered as he wrote down more notes before returning his attention to Eamon.

"You-You don't understand, I-I need to get to Y/N, I need to get out of here!" His heart was climbing into his throat and sweat was beginning to form on his brow as his blue-graey eyes darted around the room frantically. He felt hot and sick, his thoughts were scrambling together the longer he was trapped in that room. The walls were closing in, he felt like he was suffocating. "Where is she?! Where's Y/N?!"

A worried and serious expression appeared on his face as he watched the other man in the room become more and more frantic by the minute. "Mr. O'Dargan please, we've been over this, if you don't calm down-" he tried to reason with him.

"TELL ME WHERE SHE IS!!" Eamon interrupted him, slipping into hysterics. His face was wide and contorted, his hands clutching at his messy red hair. "SHE NEEDS ME!"

"Nurse! Nurse! Come in and bring the sedative, Mr. O'Dargan has entered another amnesia-induced episode," The man spoke in a quick commanding tone as he pushed a button under his desk to activate a speaker that played his voice outside the room.

Eamon heard the lock on the door click and moments later it was pushed open to reveal a slender woman in a nurse's uniform struggling to push a large medical cart into the room. Seizing the opportunity, Eamon threw himself at the opening. He upset the cart and knocked over the nurse who let out a shriek as he bolted past her, desperate to find Y/N.

Eamon raced away as he heard muffled shouting from the office. He found himself rushing down a blindingly white hallway with tile floors and fluorescent lights. Where the hell am I?! Eamon thought in confusion as he passed identical doors set into either side of the hallway. It looks like a hospital, but how did I get here?! And why am I wearing this?! He looked down at himself and realized that he was wearing a hospital gown.

I was just at Baymore estate with Y/N and we-we- God, she must be so scared right now, I have to get to her! He thought, barely noticing that he was passing more people in the hallways, some in the same uniform the nurse was in and others in the same hospital gown that he was wearing.

"YOU THERE!" A harsh voice called after Eamon, followed by several others. "STOP!!!" The shouts continued along with pounding footsteps.

What kind of hospital has guards?! Eamon thought as he looked over his shoulder and saw several men in security uniforms chasing after him. Before he was able to reach the end of the hallway he was tackled by them. His head struck the tile floor hard and his vision swam as the guards piled on him and roughly restrained him. Shit! Y/N I... He lost consciousness before he could finish his thought.


Oh my, what an awful nightmare... Or is it a nightmare?

Until next time I'll see you on the other side

~J. C. Coltt.~

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