55. Murphy's pt3.

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After Ann's firm declaration Eamon stayed seated in his chair for several minutes before he stood up listlessly and walked back to his car. He got in and drove away from their big house in suburbia, leaving behind his harmonious life with Ann as well. He drove endlessly, his mind too occupied to pick a destination. It wasn't heartache he felt, but rather guilt and hollowness for putting Ann through the suffering he had.

He felt like the scum on the earth, and he knew that's what he was. Everything that he had built over the last seventeen years was gone, with nothing left behind. He felt a spark of hope and a meager smile stretched his face as he recalled that he still had Y/N. Despite the guilt that still weighed down on him he changed direction and drove towards her new apartment, going several miles over the speed limit.

Desperate to see her, as soon as he parked he rushed inside and practically flew up the stairs to get to her apartment, but his heart skipped a beat as he rounded a corner and saw the door to her apartment ajar and heard the sound of unfamiliar voices from within. "Come on Y/N, just come out! We both know that you won't be able to take care of yourself once he grows bored with you!"

Rushing through the open door and passing the splintered pieces of lock Eamon saw that Y/N had locked herself in the bathroom and her mother along with a muscly brute who must have been on steroids was pounding on the door. "He's married you know!" she called, venom dripping from every word. "You were nothing but an exciting piece of ass-"

"-Shut up you bitch!" Eamon snarled as he flew into a rage and wrapped his hands around her neck, flinging her onto the glass coffee table. It shattered as soon as she made contact with it and before she could get back on her feet he pounced on her, using a large glass shard to rip into her flesh.

The blood-covered glass cut into his palm as he held it, but that didn't stop him from continuing to shred the body beneath him. He was only halted when the burly man pulled him off and wrapped his large meaty hands around his throat. Instead of being frozen in fear, Eamon let his rage take over instead, kicking and slashing until the brute released his hold and fell to the floor dead along with the pimp.

Not giving them a second thought Eamon rushed to the bathroom and threw himself against the door until it gave way before him. "Y/N, thank God you're alright!" He exclaimed as he rushed to embrace the frightened, but thankfully unharmed, girl who was cowering in the bathtub.

Her face drained of color as Eamon, splattered in blood and still gripping the jagged shard in one hand, pulled her against his chest and stroked her hair possessively.

"I was so worried - come on, we need to go somewhere those people can't find you!" He held her close and dragged her out of the apartment, keeping her from seeing the bodies in the living room. She caught a glimpse of blood, limp limbs, and shattered glass before Eamon slammed the door of the apartment behind them.

. . .

"Eamon, I-"  Y/N stammered, trying to get his attention as they stood squished together within the tight confines of a red telephone booth. After leaving the apartment complex Eamon had made a beeline to the nearest payphone, dragging Y/N with him. He hadn't acknowledged any of her attempts to make conversation, lost in his own world.

"Shit..." Eamon muttered as no one answered again. He had tried calling Jóse, Irene, and Julien, but he received no reply from any of them. No one is answering, Ann must have told them all what happened - Eamon thought, realizing that he had been completely ostracized from his circle of friends.

"E-Eamon..." Y/N stammered as she pulled on his sleeve, finally succeeding in getting his attention. The adorable look on her face as she looked up at him with worried eyes caused his heart to swell with warm affection in his chest, but what she asked turned his blood cold.  "Are you really married?"

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