29. Escape.

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In the part of the city where the fancier clubs and restaurants were, there was a club called Coy Cocktail. Even though it had only recently opened it had already made a reputation for itself for sporting good drinks and an atmosphere that invoked both the feeling of a dance club as well as a more relaxing dining establishment, as such it was already quite popular.

Given that it was a weeknight there were no lines to get in like there would have been if it was the weekend. The inside was lit in a soft almost romantic light, there was a long bar with several mixologists working, across from it was a glowing dance floor, and in the middle tables were set with round booths sitting against the walls.

In one of these booths, Eamon sat with several empty shot glasses in front of him. Along with fancy cocktails, the club also served good sides that helped people handle their alcohol, but Eamon had ordered neither fancy drinks nor food as his goal was to simply get hammered and not to enjoy himself.

He was already well on his way there as he swallowed his fourth shot. It burned as it slid down his throat but the freedom from worries it promised made it worth it. He just wanted to escape and this was the only way he knew how. He was trapped from permanently escaping by his love for Y/N, but it was that very love that he was trying to escape could there be any greater paradox?

He gestured to the waiter and ordered another shot. His blurry vision and clouded thoughts we a sign that he was already quite tipsy, but it wasn't enough. He could still remember why he had gone out drinking in the first place and his desires for Y/N were still crushing him.

"Oh hello," he would have jumped had his senses not been dulled by the alcohol as he heard a woman's voice address him. He squinted his eyes to try and make her blurry features come into sharper focus. She had auburn hair that lay perfectly styled on her shoulders, her smart clothes looked expensive and her sharp face was just beginning to show the lines of age. "It's been a while, hasn't it Eamon."

"Leave me alone..." He growled, turning away from her once he realized who she was. The alcohol in his system making him much more brazen than he normally was. "I thought I waszz too dull for you, Ann." he snapped at his ex-wife who by coincidence was visiting the club at the same time as him. 

"Well that's true," she giggled in a girlish way that entirely didn't suit a woman fast approaching forty. "But come on, is that any way to talk to the woman you were married to?" She batted her false lashes at him, had he not been too drunk to care about politeness it probably would have worked on him.

"It-it iszz since you left me for some shugar-daddy - left me, and-and Sean..." Eamon said, trying to be concise despite his intoxication. "You're, nothing but a cruel Bitsh." He spat, glaring at the woman who had caused so much turmoil in his life.

"Oh please, it's not like I ever denied it," She laughed as though she was chatting with an old pal, but there was a bitter poison laced in her sweet words. "You were just so blinded by your affection for me that you ignored that. Honestly, you always liked to see things as better than they are, it was a recurring problem in our marriage remember?"

"All I remember iszz you sleeping around and ignoring our-my son!" Eamon spat, not willing to call her Sean's mother, she had never truly acted like a mother to him.

"I did try to tell you that I didn't want kids but you never listened," She said passive-aggressively, twirling the stem of her fancy cocktail. "At least I don't have to worry about child support anymore."

"You-you take that back!!" Eamon seethed, slamming his hand on the table in an unusual display of aggression. "You-your nothing but a szzlut who gave up everything to fuck a rich man - well guesszz what, szoon you'll be too old for plaszties to fix, and you'llll be all aloneee." The few people in the club had begun paying attention to the pair arguing in the booth, but neither of them noticed or cared.

"And I'll still be better off than you," she shot back with a snort, mocking him openly now. "You were alone at the funeral, it's been ten years since our divorce and you still haven't moved on and found someone else. You're out drinking your sorrows away alone, you really are pathetic."

"SHHUT IT!" Eamon yelled, his voice unexpectedly deep and booming. He wasn't alone anymore, he had Y/N. He smiled giddily as he thought about her, his drunkenness affecting his sense of control. No longer thinking his feelings for the teenager were wrong he blurted out, "I have someone! She's as sweet and-and beautiful as an angel, better than you could ever be, and she'szz mine. All mine!" He said menacingly as he leaned in close to Ann's face, grabbing her by the shoulders.

He released her quickly once he caught the scent of her chemically perfume and he stood up, tossing down a wad of random bills to cover his drinks and the tip as he headed towards the door on slightly unstable legs. In his intoxicated state, all he could think of was being home, with Y/N. He suddenly had such a desperate desire to see her that it felt like he would die if he didn't.

After what felt like an eternity he was finally home. He stumbled through the door and clumsily took off his shoes before he walked down the hall towards the living room. He was surprised to see that the lights were on and his head wove back and forth slightly as he tried to adjust to the brightness.

"Y/N your-your still up," he said, his heart fluttering as his foggy mind processed the fact that she was sitting on the couch in her frilly pajamas.

"Yes, Annie sent me to bed before she left for the day but I," Y/N jumped up from where she had been sitting and fidgeted with her hands as she looked at the carpet in embarrassment. "I was worried about you..." She said in a voice barely above a whisper.

"Oh Y/N..." Eamon murmured her name. He had been fighting the desire that had been growing for her for so long, and he was exhausted. The alcohol was interfering with his rational mind and Y/N's confession to her worry about him was enough to push him over the edge.

He crossed the room in his delirium and enveloped her petite frame in his arms. He revealed in how good she felt against him then he leaned down and pressed his lips against hers before she could say anything. She remained frozen as Eamon kissed her sloppily, holding her tightly in his arms as his hands traced up and down her sides. The euphoric feeling of her lips against his was the last thing his blurry mind could remember before he blacked out.


Coltt: Eamon... EAMON! I'm sure that every one of the readers wants to know what the HECK you were thinking.

Eamon: ... I was drunk. =3=


Until next time I'll see you on the other side

~J. C. Coltt.~

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